ok so tick 4 into this world,
http://prntscr.com/2vkfzl that had happened. this player had conquered a full 7 colonies, 8 by tick 5. Colonies had no shields anymore, no units recruited, perfectly positioned around this player. this was then surely farming, 100%. I sent a message to joe, and now, tick 43, he STILL has not read this message. This player now has 14 conquerers, all neatly surrounding his colony. This picture was taken this tick, since i thought joe would be on to see the evidence for himself. Now it is a lot less prevelant, and she has had 40 ticks of extra resources from these farm conquerers. This is really out of hand, and JOE is nowhere to be found.
http://prntscr.com/2vlkjf 3 more ticks and it exceeds 24. I AM MORE ACTIVE THEM HIM WTF!!!! thats gonna be 48 ticks of the enemy cheating!!!