List of changes:
1. Spy Thrusters reintroduced
2. Added Cheap Spy Protection action by Spy
3. Highscores system - will be updated each time a world enters havoc
4. Spy protection is set to 0. when a successful operation takes place (instead of leaving as is)
5. Lockdown now always sends an event to the target's owner
6. Removed UFO catches from statistics list
7. Gating squads now show proper price to gate
8. Rulername's length reduced to 20 chars
9. Max rank in statistics now record the highest rank of the player in that era properly
10. When a player refreshes the client after a tick passes. It updates his last online tick as well to show 'online' if he's still connected to the client
Battle Dawn Toolbar(For easy access to battle dawn as well as getting a daily bonus and checking status of your accounts without logging into the world. We are advising you to use it on Firefox and Internet explorer for now seeing as there are some difficulties with using it for Google Chrome.)
12. Damage soldiers get +1dmg, Vehicles +2, tanks +3
13. In order to send an attack you must have now level 3 farm, lvl3 metal and lvl3 oil structures built (to fight multi spamming abuse)
14. Added newsletter system. we'll send you updates about the game if you subsribe to the newsletter. Subscribing gives you 50 bonus tokens and can by done by going to the colony/castle screen, selecting the bonus tab and then clicking Vertity mail.
15. All units have now holidays costumes

16. New emoticons in the in-game chat
BIG THANK YOU! to all our supporters who make BD and these updates possible.