The % at the bottom tells the accuracy. a 25% for advanced scan means that it is +/- 25%. Let say ur advanced scan says
slashing 25% stabbing 39% crushing 35%
Total units 100: (25% innacuracy)
To account for innacuaracy require a little math, i know sucks match in a game?
but i quikly want to note somtin, u may say y dont percents add up too 100? well there is always a 1% open for error and rounding so deal with it.
so to account for the percent just do the following
slashing 25+/-25 stabbing 39+/-25 crushing 35+/-25
now to get total is a little dif, but still not too hard
there are two totals that it can be, giving you a possibilty of a total of 75-125 total units. and a max of the following
slashing% max 50 min 0
stabbing% max 64 min 14
crushing% max 60 min 10
This may all seem complicated, but doing this can help u determine if an attack is worth it or not, i always imagin worse case scenarios as it is better to over estimate than under estimate. Also a clever trick i personally use is to do 2 scans and take the average from both as 1 scan may say
total: 1000 (50% innacuracy)
and the other
total: 640 (50% innacuracy)
big difference. hope this helped everyone. Any other explanations just msg me and i can go into full detail and ill also giv hints if u want, and yes i am a very good player
