Milanos wrote:
Happy zombie day

no, in all seriousness, happy easter.a quick history lesson.
easter began as the pagan tradition of eostre which coincided with the spring equinox. THE SUN!! THE DAYLIGHT SPREADS! THE COLD WINTER IS OVER!!!
you need to remember that back in the day of huts and lack of central heating, winter's were harsh and brutal. the mere fact that the sun was increasing in length was a good sign for all. the hardest part of the year was officially over, its going to get better from here on out.
this explains the eggs and the rabbits. pagans had a hundred gods for fertility and the rabbits and the eggs represent fertility at its finest. them rabbits would start breeding like crazy at this time of year as they sense conditions will improve enough for them to brood young. same with eggs, egg laying will increase. thats why there seems to be a gap of information between a jewish man dying and coming back to life and rabbits with chocolate eggs.
if you want, i could find out the name of the exact pagan god that easter was supposed to celebrate.
as for christianity. easter doesnt have a fixed date, its tied to the jewish passover, indeed, if you look at the last supper, them jewish people are partaking in the meal, seder.
as for jewish passover, it, like many of the other jewish holidays. its based on 'X tried to kill the jews. we didnt die out. lets eat.'
in this case, it commemorates the story of exodus, funnily enough, there is no historical or archaelogical or genetical evidence supporting the enslavement of the jewish race in egypt. this means its all figurative rather than a literal story of moses water bending and people dieing
1. based on the biblical accounts, roughly 600k men with assorted women and children. overall, estimated numbers are 2 million jews left across the red sea who were once slaves. egypt population at the time - 3.3-3.5 million. 3.3 to 3.5 million people cannot control a population of 2 million, it doesnt happen. ever. the egyptians relied completely on the nile floods for their harvest, they built the pyramids off season (with skilled well paid labourers) since food is so much more important than stone building. hench all the symbolism regarding agriculture and why bast (ba'at) was worshiped so fervently (god of cats - cats keep vermin like rats away. = food)
in short. roughly 5 mil population with 2 mil as slaves? not going to happen.
2. genetics. genetics show no interbreeding. with 2 million slaves, rape would have undoubtedly occured in such a civilisation yet no lineages going back to egypt have been identified.
3. no record of all first born egyptians dying/army dying. alrighty, perhaps egypt removed that out of shame or something from their records, but neighbouring, competing countries would definitely notice the loss of an army. spies get around, military intelligence means such a loss would be noted somewhere, anywhere other than the OT. not the case.
4. no evidence of 2 million people living in the desert, 2 mil is a big number, they would have left plenty of evidence, bodies, metal, pots, pans, anything.
so basically, the semitics were just another tribe living in the middle east just like the despised, EVIL CANAANITES! (which they wiped out on the groups of being on THEIR chosen land)
in short. hijack the pagans, everyone is doing it. PAGANS. STEALING CHRISTIAN IDEAS AND STORIES!