Hello fellow commanders from all over the BD community today I write you with some grave concerns. As of recently the ex-leader of the RoR King Pinguin has marked his own death with is own words. King Pinguin and his selfish own agenda and he has no concept of teamwork as he seeks to only better himself and not the RoR. Well I will not risk the RoR to someone that is out for himself to become a better rank and leave RoR.
I am new to the RoR but I will never forget that this round this server at this time no matter how many other servers on Mars 2 Era 1 that the RoR community accepted me and my fellow Underground commanders with open arms into the RoR.
Quickly through IRC efforts the UG and other RoR commanders rose to power and became who they are on this round and this server due to the simple fact that teammwork pays off.
Well as it now stands King Pinguin has put the entire RoR alliance at risk by stating to me that he would leave RoR by tick 1000 if RoR score had not reached 20,000.
Well this being a risk I shall never take I have taken drastic measures to remove King Pinguin from the RoR before he can cause any more eternal chaos. The simple fact that our leader would leave us during such crucial times to join a key ally Prr is deveastating to those who help build the RoR.
The simple fact that King Pinguin ordered the RoR Ted Kennedy back home as some sort of looking museum when I stated over and over that we must move the relic in search of a second relic.
Well this order given by King Pinguin to recall the RELIC last night almost hours before the new three relics were released have me thinking he is,
A. Either working with an enemy
B. Not a bright leader
Well these two above options leave me no choice but to expel King Pinguin from the RoR as A or B I will not be taking a risk with this player.
I do regret that the RoR has fallen from a possible two relics to now not being able to get a second relic anytime soon.
This investigation is still ongoing and we are looking into all that may be involved in this plot to slow down the RoR alliance.
-King Aladar, a wicked leader of the UG community and RoR Mars 2 Era 1
TLDR: King Pinguin never forget where you came from this round this server or any server the RoR made you and the RoR will break you.
IRC Chat Logs,
<King> yeah, i was gonna say a mass msg saying, everyone attack the same target, or we dont do nothing, they are strong and will defend, so attacking with 50 squads per attack should do it
<@King_Aladar> I just broadcasted that you will take control of leadership
<King> i had my battle plan ready, telling everyone what to do, because you never attack members first, you take all their OPs first, no relocation, no gates, no silos, no nothing, then you go after them
<@King_Aladar> well also we need to get 100 squads into the Relic
<@King_Aladar> half our total count would be nice
<@King_Aladar> it is very hard to take down small good alliances and also try to defend relic
<@King_Aladar> but mate if we keep the relic moving east after FF is down I know we will get a second relic
<@King_Aladar> when can you rejoin?
<@King_Aladar> lol people sayin' you are back stabbing?
<King> yeah
<King> here is the deal, i become leader, everything will change, i ruled e2 with an iron fist, long time ago, until my computer died, we ruled all of north canada no one gat in or out
<King> by tick 1500, if RoR is not 20k, i will join Prr if they hold the number one spot by then
<King> i will be able to join in umm
<King> i can join in 6 ticks, so 2 hours and 18 mins
<@King_Aladar> mate if you have plans on leaving us that is terrible
<@King_Aladar> forget the score we are relic huntin!
<@King_Aladar> if was a fifth we all would be drunk lol
<King> ohh dam chileno left, i was gonna say to return the relic asap
<@King_Aladar> mate if you are plannin' on leaving us then go in peace now and join Prr
<King> i will join RoR, but things will change, if we do thigns my way, we will conquer everyone and we will be the best bd server in history
<@King_Aladar> but how can I trust you not to leave us if our score does not meet your standards?
<King> ohh if im happy, thats all that matters =)