The NPHA Is a program i have run in the past and have decided to Re - Start.
Formerly named NHA (Newbie Help Alliance) it exists to help some players in game and get them some experience over an Era or two. I have included the link to the NHA Thread in a spoiler below.
The following rules apply to the NPHA:
- There are only 7 new players permitted entry into the scheme
- There will be 3 Mentors at all times when there are 7 new players
- We do not play to win, we play to learn
We will also include in our program some very basic information about the Wiki and the Forum, Specifically how to navigate and use each of these tools effectively.
As Admin Seth said when the NHA started, This is NOT an Official Battle Dawn education group.
Just so it is known to anyone looking here, that this is NOT an official mentor group. Anyone looking to help officially as a mentor to new players should check the "Adopt A Newb Center" thread which is a global announcement.
It is cool that matmanmax is trying to be helpful to new players, but people seeking mentors and mentors looking to help should both be aware that this is NOT an officially sanctioned group or activity and is not officially supported by BattleDawn staff in any way.
Therefore, we cannot guarantee or endorse the quality of the 'help' which is received from this...
- Admin Seth
Thu Jan 05, 2012