Korupt wrote:
RCIsBOMB wrote:
SkittlesYum wrote:
Needs improvements to make people come and stay.
I don't know what to improve however, just make it better xD
As many have said, put a part about signing up for AANC in the welcome message... Lets have a new generation of newbs join, like me.
I agree this would be good but it also does not solve the issue entirely since many new players coming to bd do not speak English at all thus the AANC won't be able to help them much unfortunately.
English speaking or not isnt the problem
English understanding is, But I don't think, there will be more than 30% who can not understand English, and you ppl have Mentors who can teach them in their languages.
I suggested that put AANC link in Welcome msg, and I am also wondering that will your current menters can handle that Massive amount of Newbies coming in AANC? also will they be able to keep Players interest? cz in start, its very difficult to be addicted by BD