Before the major attack on our hive, everyone had doubts on RK. We were rank 3 and slipped down to around rank 10 below. We now rest at a terrible rank of 13. Most of you know what happened, SOJ admitted to us in many PMs that they don't care about how much money they spend that in the end they'll get what they want.
That doesn't always happen.
Please, if you are in SOJ or any other alliance that attacked RK using money listen to this song: I, the leader of RK, declare that the Southwest corner island is ours. Ours completely. We will begin the extermination of anyone who so decides to lay their finger upon it. Any people we have pacts with are fine, but everyone else? Gotta go. That includes alliances that I'm friendly too, and have yet to draw up a NAP (My condolences to GR and ReV)
If you wish to draw up a NAP, please talk to me over MSN or skype.
MSN: Skype: lolowut
If not, then get off our island now.
I will not tolerate anymore hostile alliances in our area, and I fully intend to bring this alliance from rank 13 to rank 1.
If you wish to declare war on RK for any reason. Do so now. DO IT. I'm ready and waiting. I'll take on this entire server if I have to.

Thank you.