Who is on the hot seat?!
It is pretty clear that BFTP isnt going to coast to a victory.
Now BFTP has knocked off anyone who even gets close to them.
(NOTE: anything said is opion, no crying about it)
Now they have felt threats from:
AFT,TK,TC,ShaG, and many other and have demloshed them. They have also created two Sub/Sister allainces (FANG and BME)
Now there is only a few more threats. And the biggest on is OZ. Now they won't fight them inless... Well first off FANG for some reason (lol) has decleared war on them. When they wipe out a chunk of OZ im sure BME well for some reason declare war on them too

(BFTP has 4x the score of OZ)
The only other real threat is BoST. BFTP are 8x stronger than them.
Also 300 has been delcared war on.

But andrew, can you please give these guys thier relics so they can win?

)) I love bftp's roster dont get me wrong and i admire their stragic moves. but i think we ALL give up this round