Heya Reminiscence from E2 here,
Looking for serious alliance for next era, not a sub please

I'm very active (no lifing BD atm xD) and quite experienced. I have Skype open all times; I'm on BD 20 hours daily or
sometimes up till 30 hours almost non-stop every tick if there's a war

Also leader of own sub alliance and I've been in plenty of wars, possibly too much xD
Ranked 25-26 right now (may go higher/lower), name's "Reminiscence" if you want to find me on E2.
Otherwise this is also a thread to look for guys w/ no plan on E2 next era. Trying to make my own team to play for fun next era xD We've already got 6-7 members in the roster tops, all active like me and using Skype ^_^ Some are boosters, or I suspect them to be
P.S. I'm also on m3, e1, e4, f4, f3 if you're looking for me (just a side note


P.S.S. Add me on Skype at daniel.mod3 ^_^ like to meet new people xD