Hello Everyone,
So, everyone knows how some of the ROFL members abuse the game to such an extent that it's beyond ridiculous. We all know it, but they seem to get away with it somehow. Only the farms get banned, which is not good enough.
Anyways, this is regarding the Era in which Sayanoob got his all time best medal after accumulating a lot of crystals [E3 - Era 44]. But, were they deserved or earned? No, they were not. This topic is to make sure the community knows:
So, this is one of the instances when Bazinga spammed all RoFL members and took xCedX's (another RoFL member) crystals, which Sayanoob eventually took from Bazinga to increase his crystal count. Bazinga also made this forum thread to tell everyone how he wanted to troll RoFL:
viewtopic.php?f=88&t=29347So, all seems legit right? Bazinga trolled RoFL, took a bunch of crystals (xCedX) which RoFL took back (Sayan), also look how sayan threatens bazinga that "he would kill him anywhere for this act."
Now, here's the catch: All was planned by the eternal cheater Sayan, and everyone was party to this. Don't believe me? let me post some evidence:
Here they talk about the forum thread bazinga needed to create to make it seem legit, notice Sayan telling him what to write (cheating experience being useful xD):
Now the plan has worked, notice Sayan is telling him how he got a relic with a spam just to show for & asks Baz to PM illona the forum thread link to make their ponzy scheme seem legit: