And I thought what I felt was simple,
And I thought that I don't belong,
And now that I am leaving,
Now I know that I did something wrong
'cause I missed you.
Yeah, I missed you.
after the relics got out:
[01/06/2012 19:00:18] Choka Hontas: who mark ina red?
[01/06/2012 19:04:08] Choka Hontas: well ... we (Want to be allies? Sometimes I like to pretend I am a princess riding a pony..) up
[01/06/2012 19:05:38] The Duke: What do u mean choka?
[01/06/2012 19:06:50] Choka Hontas: all the sitioation (Want to be allies? Sometimes I like to pretend I am a princess riding a pony..) up
[01/06/2012 19:06:54] Choka Hontas: E going to win
[01/06/2012 19:07:07] Choka Hontas: and now 3 brothers runing for the 2,3 spots
[01/06/2012 19:07:18] Choka Hontas: and we are with the less score

[01/06/2012 19:07:35] Choka Hontas: we cant attack ina
[01/06/2012 19:07:41] Choka Hontas: we cant attack RIP
[01/06/2012 19:07:49] Choka Hontas: soo we (Want to be allies? Sometimes I like to pretend I am a princess riding a pony..)
[01/06/2012 20:44:40] MrAhMeD: Answer me Choka
[01/06/2012 20:45:00] MrAhMeD: did u Afraid from thim ?
[01/06/2012 20:45:13] MrAhMeD: do u afraid from thim Choka ?
[01/06/2012 20:45:34] MrAhMeD: Are you afraid of them?
[01/06/2012 20:45:34] Choka Hontas: im not afraid from them
[01/06/2012 20:45:42] Choka Hontas: i love ina
[01/06/2012 20:45:43] MrAhMeD: are u sure ?
[01/06/2012 20:45:46] MrAhMeD: ow
[01/06/2012 20:45:48] MrAhMeD: wow
[01/06/2012 20:45:59] MrAhMeD: she love all alliance guys
[01/06/2012 20:46:06] MrAhMeD: we can't fight who she love
[01/06/2012 20:46:12] MrAhMeD: and u heats us baby ?
[01/06/2012 20:47:42] Choka Hontas: as i told you befor, i will never attack INA ! they are my brothers in blood. please stop it right now!
[02/06/2012 15:20:42] MrAhMeD: i saw it
[02/06/2012 15:20:46] MrAhMeD: why choka
[02/06/2012 15:20:50] MrAhMeD: we are a family
[02/06/2012 15:21:08] Herald Herrera-angel deth: so chokas loyalty is not with FFU
[02/06/2012 15:21:22] Herald Herrera-angel deth: its with INA??? lol
[02/06/2012 15:21:27] Herald Herrera-angel deth: (rofl)
[02/06/2012 15:21:36] The Duke: INA is old PPC members and choka is old PPC
[02/06/2012 15:21:59] Herald Herrera-angel deth: But FFU is not old PC
[02/06/2012 15:22:12] Herald Herrera-angel deth: But FFU is not old PPC
[02/06/2012 15:22:19] The Duke: FFU is now a mix
[02/06/2012 15:22:33] The Duke: started as DG and PPC members form last era
one hour befor the attack on ina from skyp:
[12/06/2012 06:19:32] Choka Hontas: Guys....

please lets try to do some thing else, breeco can be talked and find a soloation.
we dont need to fight them.... please im beging you.
[12/06/2012 06:19:45] MrAhMeD: or you in FFU or you out FFU.
[12/06/2012 06:21:34] Choka Hontas: i cant kill my freinds..... but i will not interfir this war... and i will not tell them anything.... can i just stay in our hive and protect our citys? please try to understand me....
[12/06/2012 07:40:48] The Duke: Not fighting with us means u r letting your friends in FFU down.
[12/06/2012 07:41:38] The Duke: Fighting a friend, i dont see the problem. Ihave dont t several times and will continue do it if the situation requies so.
[12/06/2012 07:43:45] The Duke: We cant to to warwith ina with one hand behind our back,that will mean death for us.. therefore I rather see we relpacing u with someone who will fight than lower the odds for me and my friends death...
[12/06/2012 08:09:17] Choka Hontas: ok, but dont you think that some one need to stay in the hive when we all go to the war to protect the citys?
[12/06/2012 08:09:38] Choka Hontas: alot of noobs will try to take X crystals
[12/06/2012 08:12:51] The Duke: not many noobes close to us.
[12/06/2012 08:13:04] The Duke: we will leave spamdefence in the colonies
[12/06/2012 08:13:38] The Duke: if someone launches we have to pullback a force to defend but to most troops are nneded in the front line
[12/06/2012 08:14:22] The Duke: please choka, join us in this.we have fought the whole era for this
[12/06/2012 08:41:45] Choka Hontas: I will
[12/06/2012 08:44:11] The Duke: will u fight?
[12/06/2012 08:45:35] Choka Hontas: if you tell me that i have too (worry)
[12/06/2012 10:25:22] Xcynce: Choka
[12/06/2012 10:25:23] Xcynce: you have too
[12/06/2012 10:25:35] Xcynce: you cant bail on us

I thought I saw a man brought to life
He was warm, he came around like he was dignified
He showed me what it was to cry
Well you couldnt be that man I adored
You don't seem to know, don't seem to care what your heart is for
But I don't know him anymore
There's nothing where he used to lie
My conversation has run dry
That's what's going on, nothings fine Im torn
Im all out of faith, this is how I feel
Im cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed into something real
Im wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn
Youre a little late, Im already torn