I'd Like to shed some light onto SIM alliance's deceitful and cheat ways on Mars2 which they have been getting away with, i can only assume for eras and eras, since this is the first one we played there and we did clearly catch them doing things.
To the Admins,
I want to report the entire sim alliance for op farming, farming conquers (from friends they call to make colonies on their worlds), spamming and jamming using such pseudo multies.
If you look here you ll see a big example of what i am talking about.
N:2617 E:4660
And my friends have been reporting these people for the last two days and the admin hasnt responded to those messages. I hope to see these members and their alliance banned soon.
Its not only that, they have invited friends from other worlds to do their dirty works for them.
1) All of them have invited friends to make colonies which they have conquered next to their base and use for op farming.
Let me show you some :
Here a conquer of Krusty, situated right next to krusty's op, made 9 outposts around Krusty from SIM. Which Mr.Burns Happily farmed.
Krusty and the ops

The creator of Ops, conquered by Krusty. Has forum avatar and 23 achievements doesnt sound like a noob to just make 10 ops.

All the ops are his evidence :

If you want to see the rest i ll post them all.
Mr.Burns going to eat and farm:

So this was the way admin was supposed to remove ops ?

When we pointed this out and were already complaining to the admin for a day, Krusty says in a broadcast that he reported these ops to the admin and said some random guy started making outposts around him.
*sarcasm* Sure he did, thats why Mr.Burns from SIM came in to take all of the outposts as soon as they were created. *sarcasm*
The original owner of the outposts,Exo ,who is actually also "conquered" by Krusty, is a guy with 23 achievements. He has created 0 units this era. Here is a look at his stats and achievements. I ll let the admin judge if he really made those 9 ops without having 1 infantry unit to defend them, because of being a noob.

Some of his 23 achievs.

Not only this, there is an alliance, called SKY, dedicated and working to give outposts for infrastructure to these guys:
All players like Bart, Homer and Maggie are joining in this farming.

Oh and the outpost that actually The Terminator T800 attacked happened to be the one that GL had between them. o.O Why would he do that ?
Well for one GL and SIM were fighting in that area. Not only him but his alliance as well is doing the same.
The supporter dude. Pretty feasibly named terminator.

2) During battles, random colonies spawn up next to our colonies and make outposts to which their team can fly feasibly. Happens once coincidence, perhaps. But if it happens twice or thrice not really a coincidence then. Let me show some evidence. When 2 of SIM members Snake and Ralph massed units near our base, a random new colony sprouted next to us, which has been inactive since the following events. The colony then immediately Created an outpost much closer to our hive which was a much more convenient spot for those guys to jump on and attack us from. The colony also sent in a few units to defend it.
Ralph wasnt online that day so SIM didnt jump to take it and it gave us a good chance to seize it and kill Ralphs units as Snake widthrew. But otherwise it was a perfect chance for them to come closer to a neutral op and attack us from there. We havent seen any activity at all from that new colony that sprouted up that day till now.
The random colony in question :

Location where SIM massed troops marked by Snake Jailberds op1, which we took later, and the location of the spot where the random colony created its outpost which we took and razed, marked by a red coloured x.

We can provide tickwise battlereports for all of this and you can see when the colony was created and the outpost creation followed.
3) Not only do conquers boost their scores but also fight their wars, do scans, do spams, make ops increas resource gain and so many unjust things. am compteting with an alliance which is breaking rules, which have harsh consequences, and if you are going to let them get away with this just because they are supporters this is going to infuriate a lot of people. Supporters and non supporters. This definitely leads to a ban lasting for multiple days if not a perma ban.
These antics are being observed and caught by all of us then can someone please tell me why no one is taking any action at all.