I am WuXing fearless leader of the UnderGround UG.
You all are here because I have requested an envoy to descuss a very pressing matter. As we know the Erath has been corrupted with master alliances using the fears of many to force colonys into serving their own greed by the way of sub alliances.
I ask that all leaders of Earth 1 read consider and sign this document against sub alliances.
Anit Sub Movement Guide LinesThe anti sub movement is not against coalitions between independent alliances. Being the nature of the beast this is a massive cooperative battle filed we do not have any issues with that fact. The issue is those alliances using slave labor to advance.
1. Never use a sub alliance name or tag.
2. Never take orders from a master alliance.
3. Always put my members first before any members in a master alliance.
4. I will partner with other anti sub leaders to track and kill any subservient alliance.
By joining the anti sub movement you are telling those corrupt master alliances of past Earth eras that no longer will we be used to advance their own colony's while putting our members own progress aside.
I am WuXing fearless leader of the UnderGround UG.