Its essential for teams to form a hive: having colonies in proximity. But relocation outposts get attacked for free outposts, for the salvage value, to keep competing teams weak and scattered, or to keep someone from moving onto their turf. Basically you can only relocate to somewhere your team controls, or that's otherwise free of attack.
Relocating is also expensive in oil. That's why to be organized, teams need to recruit members before they initially place their colony. Have them place at correct area from the start.
When joining an era, check the
Recruitment Board and try to get on a team
before you place colony. Getting on skype is good, and forming contacts during previous era. Unless you're feeling confident, keep the hive tight by placing near center mass or just close to the team leader. (Helps on defense if colonies are 2 ticks from each other.)
Before you place colony you can access the
Find Location option which lets you search for players and alliances...

If you don't place colony properly from the start you could get screwed. If your team hive lacks defense and loses relocation ops, your straggling colony will sit by itself. You'll be effectively solo against your choosing. A scattered team isn't a real team. Random start location is a noob move.