alright i know theres been a lot going on in this world that is going to be left out
H1N1/AIDS started out as number 1 alliance with RFW following behind
around tik 350 both alliances had entered war however there was no real battle reports woopy who was 1 of the strongest in the alliance had left and attacked a member in H1N1 hakeal has also stepped down in leadership and it appears RFW and H1N1 are in a cold war
as it stands now here is the territory
Daddy watching who was a top player in RFW left also players in AIDS have become inactive and a member was kicked from SF, with each alliance having their struggles RFW is still in 1st place right now with 9 members but there are rumors SF wishes to attack RFW true or not true?
(not giving away my source of the rumor for various reasons)