Brosx wrote:
I need some help. How to use spy?
spies are important part of Battledawn... You can use spies to plant agents on Colonies, OPs, and on relics etc
first you will have to make structure for recruiting spy, then you can use that spy for planting agents...
Once you have planted your agent, now you can use it to make units 1hp, and for lock down. but you need "Speciall structures for that " for example Locking down is an advance covert operation, so u need "tavern Level 2" (in fantacy) thats 4th structure on 2nd last row in STRUCTURES screen, by making thatm you can perform all Spy actions available in battle dawn
By locking down, you can LOCK ships in an OP or colony, for 3 to 6 ticks and they will not be able to move...
By making units 1 hp, they will become a breakfast for you and you will able to kill them with too much less army than actually was needed 
always scan OP/colony before trying to make enemy army 1 hp, so that if there is Infantry, you can do spy attack on inf, by making INFANTRY 1 hp... and so on...
Hope it will help
don't forget to apply for mentor in AANC here >