LightIce wrote:
Could someone catch me up on what has happened in the past year?
Dont be disappointed as you wont find lot of old alliances like ,
E1 : ARM , IND , PHI , CRY , 7CAV , FILA
E2 : Grust and Rania and their alliances
E3 : RoFL , RIP
E4 : Server closed , ICE and maybe UWS also gone
M1 : SoL , HaHa , xDGx
M2 : CME , DETA , LURK , SAIL (idk if SAIL was M2)
M3 : No idea
and i never played much on fantasy so no idea about them aswell , except that F4 is closed and HORD also doesnt showup these days
same for Galaxy only thing that DOGS and TRAP also no more play
But there is some good also
u will find some new alliances like
DBA , OAK , NCRa , UNIT and OK doing well on some servers
and most importantly everyone is waiting for the BD mobile app to be lauched so that we can start playing competitive again