well its my 2nd last post in this bd forum, i am goign 2 quit bd on june 30th (more details ill tell u later, i decided 2 quit earlier but E6 frnds ate my head and
told me 2 come abc and finish E6) so if E^ finishes be4 30th, gr8 i quit then, otherwise on 30th
so here i am sharing my bd memories, i ahd 3 mega eras in the last year when i came bac 2 this game
they are not much but for a noob like me i feel proud of them

the 1st era was F3 with M, that tme i knew nothign abt gayzo and prntscr so couldnt get any shots, though i remember coming into the era at tick 500 , never boosting anythingand getting 2 top 15 be4 dieing at the last 100 ticks

the 2nd was m3 era 37 which was my gr8test era on bd, i got into a pro alliance idk how and we had a 3k tick war with AIDS, 3K TICK WAR, so many sleepleess nights, losing army killing, there was nobody else except us 2 and we fought for 3k ticks in the end AIDS won becauz they had more battlescore here are some pics

this r5 squad i got by fighting AIDS (i didnt knew at that time how 2 farm for r5 using spies nuke,etc or removing armr) so it was an original r5 squad u can say

with lasted around2.5k ticks

my stats of that mega era

m3 era 37

getting a best of all time entry

m3 era 37
i started the era with a new acc which had 300 blues, then voting and achievements
1 pic u can c in my signature, that was 380 power arund tick 1k
the 3rd was m3 era 41 it was the 1st time i boosted reds on bd

given 2 me by CJ, i used 1.5k blues and 190 reds in that era, got off 2 a magical start but died cauz my alliance quit the era around tick 600

i recieved a lot of critics aftr that era, ppl calling me noobs etc but i still enjoyed it well

i had around 150 conquers at that time

really getting 5 gold starts around tick 500 and not boosting reds i thought wasnt possible
anyways thats it for me
those were the 3 eras i loved enjoyed and played full serious
c u in my last post