You didn't really help them though, WARDOG.
You could have came and have helped earlier, CB has some members from the NWL team on M2 a while back if I remember your avatars correctly, you guys can play, but you guys maybe didn't care for this era?
You also just pointed out AOL will be our enemies, if that is the case.
* We didn't have enough forces to overpower yours head on.
We bailed the attack, leaving a spam to reveal 6 of your members unit, tallying to a close 1000 infs, heavy on concussion range of course we bailed, and your member got cocky on the BC saying we ran. The next day, you guys lost an army, and the one after, you lost more and lost a few members, and 2 members had quit.
We used nukes, which helped us make the first successful attack on CB, and pushed back down with relatively small forces.
No Mercy (the cocky guy, as always), got conquered by a noob colony.

* As I said, with just 6 members, with the average power and Mikey519312 or whatever his colony name was, we were already outnumbered in terms of units and we could not do a straight forward battle, but none of your players had commit and you guys bailed when we nuked and left players to die.
You haven't made attempts to help CB in stopping us until maybe one or two days ago, maybe you were dealing with NEW? I won't know, cause I can't see that.
By the way, CB member, KILLA(A.K.A, GreenDayIsBack) multiple accounts again

*Lots and lots of typos.