Milanos wrote:
An armor unit can reach R3

The way it works is that by gaining experience, a unit can gain 1 range at level 6 and 1 range at level 12 for a total of +2 range. As armor units start with R1, they reach R2 at level 6 and reach R3 at level 12.
Thanks I read that in the Wiki but as the wiki states also the maximum a unit can have is R5. It does not explicitly state that a armour unit is restricted to R3 nor a damage unit restricted R4.
As I have never had R3 armour

I have always been curious about this point. I have had R3 damage units and R5 range units but never the humble armour unit have I got to even R2

I would be awesome of you could get R5 armour imagine the havoc you would cause