Start. Don't just go to the forum and post your frustrations. That just won't do. Oh, you don't know how to start? Start early. Before the ticks of war run, build up your colony as fast as you can (Do I have to elaborate everything from the newbie guides in this forum? Read them yourself). You don't know when to start? Start now. Either get these

tokens or get a strong alliance running now. You don't know why you are reading this? You opened the spoiler, hoping to find a technical or strategic solution, that's why. You don't know what to do? Fight. Just keep pushing those guys away, rebel frequently so that they would not get the resource tax boosts for too long. If you would not rebel immediately, they get the resource benefits. That's how we lose always. You don't know where to start? Anywhere is fine. Just don't stay to close to the enemy of course. Stay with the players you can count on. You don't know to whom you should join? Just join any alliance. Don't expect that you will be able to join a top alliance all the time. Alliances are formed through direct, online communication these days (Check me out on my Skype to try joining my alliance). You cannot stop TK immediately, but you can slow them down. Don't be overwhelmed by their power, let their fear of failing overwhelm them. So, you still persist in finding an actual method to stop TK?
DO NOT BUILD TEPORT GATES. Once these gates will be taken away from you by any TK member, your territory is under their control immediately. If you guys have heard of the new "
FRESH COLONY FLIGHT" tactic used by the top alliances, you will understand why losing your gates will compromise your territory forever. You don't know who I am? You don't have to.