syedhamzahussnain wrote:
Well...I was in SHRK and had to quit due to some personal problems but now i am watching the era and saw PHI was domating but this spy attack caused a lot diff. i guess....
PHI got hit very hard....Too bad...
EDIT: Its funny that TIS alliance name is also "This is Spartra" like 300 spartrans killing huge armies of Xerxes TIS is killing xD
indeed, it was a good one, expected already... it is how fast you refresh and just click the button damage.. while for us PHI, no time to even tap SP once we got the relic... we should be back in no time if according to plan.. since resource is 700-800 per ticker per member..
all is good, part of the game... nothing to be ashamed of..
once again, big applause for TIS, Good game...
there is no point on sending the entire PHIgroup... let everyone have fun from time to time...