the dark world wrote:
RIP I have no respect for you keep hiding behind your subs, actually they are doing more fighting then you.
SUB empires always failed and always will I guess some people just never learn its written all over BD history... oh its not they didnt make it to the end so as you last area

yesterday your sub did quite a mess you trying to force us to fight 2 fronts lol... you ended up losing over 600 vechs yesterday
apparently your sub are willing to suicide on hopeless battles ?... they should just leave you to die and go back to SA as you left them yesterday.
thats just what I got let me get my m8s to send me some slaughtering of RIP's

oh ya forgot to mention your word mean nothing the broke our cease fire with nukes,
just for the record I blow up my nuke that was gona hit your 500 inf,and just later that day boom nuke rained on us.
and all those fighting where you killed allot of our units were on that same day when we did cease fire.
oh well let the war begin

What you talking about??? you said about play BD for 4 years, i am really sad for you dont know what one sub mean, one loyal sub
Making mess??? leave you weaker its a mess??? mess for your power lost and units killed... even with your mega ultra power booster Iceman you have a lower power, nothing against boost, its part of this game.
RIP have loyal subs and for us important its main, doesnt matter sacrifice our stuffs or units for them.... We are a RIP, sub or not, we are here to fight and we are here to die this is our BD history,
What you talking about last era... we got screwed for a respectable alliance, good players and good battles, not for you... and your alliance??? made nothing.... BDW do something with your pathetic alliance to have arguments to say something about RIP...
here im my country we say , sorry for my bad english but... i have sure you gonna understand: