INTRODUCTIONHello, I would like to start this Player-Made Guide by saying Thank You for playing Battle Dawn. If you are a new player and you have not done the tutorial when you enter a world, please do so before continuing to read this guide, this tutorial leaves off of the In-World one. Though if you have read and completed the tutorial you already know how to build Outpost, build and move armies, find the admin, and many other things. This guide is for beginners and experienced players looking to know more about Battle Dawn.
TokensRed Tokens and Bonus Tokens are one of the easiest ways to stay ahead of other rulers in your server, you can use tokens to buy extra workers, resources, and purchase other items to enhance your colony and experience.

Red Tokens: Only obtainable through purchase, can be used to purchase Gold Colony, Gold Avatar Frame, and Large Resource and Worker boost.

Bonus Tokens: Can be earned through voting for Battle Dawn, installing the toolbar, verifying your email, doing offers, and referring friends. Bonus Tokens can be used to purchase small resource and worker boost.
Battles are won and lost depending on how much you know about your enemy and how your and your enemies armies are set up.
Battle System:Battles are fought in rounds, some units will attack in earlier rounds then others.
Round One: Range Upgraded Units will attack Enemy Armor Units this round.
Round Two: Damage Upgraded Units will attack remaining Enemy Units this round.
Any Further rounds all units will attack until one ruler emerges victorious.
Squad Make-Up: Most Experienced players will use Range and Armored units for their armies.
Infantry: 10 Armor: 20 Range
Vehicle/Calvary: 5 Armor: 10 Range
Heavy: 3 Armor: 7 Range
Infantry has a 25% Bonus against Vehicle/Calvary.
Vehicle/Calvary has a 25% Bonus against Heavy Units.
Look out for Part Two!
A.k.a The Punisher