By: Lacrosseminiman
At first u may think... What is this guy talkin about?!
well tell me this suckas... didnt u view this cause of the title? ^^^^
At first i usually have an army built up of about 60 or so inf damage up grade. i usually have 1 conuqer by now and 2 or 3 mines.
after u achieve this i look for noobs around me. usually i split up my 60 into 6 squads.
1: Little Platoon (1-5 units)
2: Platoon (6-10 units)
3: Larger Platoon (10-14 units)
4: Small Army (15-19 units)
5: Army (20-25)
6: LEROY JENKINS (more than 25)
DO NOT SCAN UR QUESTIONABLE TARGETS. click on their colony and select the view profile option. then click statistics all the way at the bottom it will show how may units this user has recruited so far this round. To play it safe i try to attack MORE than the stats say by about 4 or 5. when faced with a close battle i say this, dont attempt an attack if it is close, have the mind set that u will lose these battles.(unless this is a last resort IE: conquerer, attacker on colony) this way u will not lose more power than u already have. below is a diagram of the power and score ranking system.
conquer = 1power
every 10 units= 1power
25 workers= 1power
1crystal=20 score
1relic=1000 score
i then usually settle down and start getting some structures going. IE: getting lvl 5 mine... getting boosts for my units... getting spies...
after that u can refer to my Guide on Mid round play.