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 Post subject: GODS ( DRCP ) v GA ( NTA )
PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 4:10 am 
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well name changing makes it difficult to track , but yes it has begun ...

i informed peaches that we have revoked the boundaries agreement and now it was time for war .

started out as a move by 7 of us with 540ish squads , now a little less people are within 5 ticks of the colonies within hours of it begining

as ive heard there has been troubles inside which has caused a lack of contest so far :(



 Post subject: Re: GODS ( DRCP ) v GA ( NTA )
PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 8:11 pm 
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Well my friend I was looking forward to this war. Unfortunately I hadn't logged in since yesterday so didn't get your message in time. RL has called me away from the game this weekend, then I log in tonight in time to fight one war when I got unjustifiably banned. Seems a certain admin has a definite hate on for me for some reason. I really liked this game, have had alot of fun playing it, have made alot of good friends because of it. I have now given up on it, with everything that's happened I've lost any faith I had in this game. Pity since I'm probably one of the most fair and honest players in the game, I've always tried my best to treat everyone with respect, and have given anything I could to help others grow.

Wish I didn't have to be missing this war mate, wish things had worked out differently, sucks to be going out like this ...

Peaches420 of Hemporia ~ M2 ~ F4

War does not determine who is right - only who is left. ~Bertrand Russell


 Post subject: Re: GODS ( DRCP ) v GA ( NTA )
PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 8:19 pm 
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if you feel it's a unrightfull bann u can apeal it, i doubt he would give you a unrightfull bann tho, i checked out the bann, i won't post the reason here, it's confidential. but i think if you really did nothing bad u can get it appealed

Thank you Michael
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 Post subject: Re: GODS ( DRCP ) v GA ( NTA )
PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 8:42 pm 
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I play on 4 worlds, only 1 seriously, the others are just for fun. I know what world the ban is for and I made that account for some pure fun. Unfortunately I've been really busy the last few days and the only world I've been able to do anything with is M2, haven't logged into any of my others. On the world in question I joined a top alliance to have some fun, had every intention of staying there, but things have happened in RL that wouldn't let that happen. I asked to be kicked because I knew I wouldn't be able to spend any time there or help in any way. This ban is ridiculous .. to be banned for this without even being asked first .. without any kind of respect towards me .. pity I've wasted money here .. thankful for the friends I have made along the way .. but I don't deserve this .. nor will I appeal it .. because being treated like this .. I just don't care anymore.

Peaches420 of Hemporia ~ M2 ~ F4

War does not determine who is right - only who is left. ~Bertrand Russell


 Post subject: Re: GODS ( DRCP ) v GA ( NTA )
PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 8:46 pm 
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yes i can see if from your view, but see if from he's and how it looks, i've seen the mod loggs how many get wanred and banned each day, it's pretty much, and pretty few complain about it, but the bann appleas system is so you get a chance to undo the bann, i'm 75% sure andrew would unbann you if you told him what happened, but thats just what i thought tho

Thank you Michael
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 Post subject: Re: GODS ( DRCP ) v GA ( NTA )
PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 8:55 pm 
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Doesn't matter anymore .. for one .. I lost all my squads because of it .. for another .. why would I want to come back to something that shows me no respect. If I wasn't a supporter I could see there being no kind of "honor" system .. but for people who do support .. you should at least get the benefit of doubt, at least have a chance to explain yourself before being thrown out on your touche. It's flawed beyond reason, I consider myself a pretty decent player and not one they should want to lose. They don't care about me .. so why should I care? Why should I spend any more of my money on something that "doesn't" work? More importantly my time. I'm beyond angry about all of this ..

Peaches420 of Hemporia ~ M2 ~ F4

War does not determine who is right - only who is left. ~Bertrand Russell


 Post subject: Re: GODS ( DRCP ) v GA ( NTA )
PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 9:00 pm 
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belive me i understand, if i were wrongfully banned i'd probly go screaming also, i know many who have

but i would try to work it out, maby check for some compansation
the admins aint that bad that they won't listen to you

Thank you Michael
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 Post subject: Re: GODS ( DRCP ) v GA ( NTA )
PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 9:28 pm 
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yeah it sucks peaches , the worst thing is you got banned right after your squads were in the air ...

had it not have been for the crucial timming , we would not have killed your units but put between ur units or our team mates . its obvious whos we take more pity for

sorry peaches and sorry for everything that has happened to you ! you are a great player ... for a relativly new player to lead and alliance and reach rank 1 both alliance and single colony is amazing , youve done well and worked hard it just sucks the way all this turned out .



 Post subject: Re: GODS ( DRCP ) v GA ( NTA )
PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 10:08 pm 
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Yea no worries mate, you did what you had to do to protect your guy from my pilotless squads hehe. We would have done the same. I hope I at least did a little damage to you guys ;) Can't have you just go flying off into the wild blue yonder all intact and perfect and all :P

Thank you my friend .. for the nice things you said, it means alot to me. I like to do well when I do something, and this game captured my attention. I've had alot of fun here and I'm glad you were a part of that :)

Peaches420 of Hemporia ~ M2 ~ F4

War does not determine who is right - only who is left. ~Bertrand Russell


 Post subject: Re: GODS ( DRCP ) v GA ( NTA )
PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 1:24 am 
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Some of you know me from other servers as Josabad. I've come to M2's forum to protest the banning of Peaches. (my wife)

Several months ago I asked Andrew if my wife who had just started playing could play on the same server as I did. We were both having fun playing separate servers but didn't think we could play on the same server playing from the same computer. We felt this would get us banned, but asked if we could. Andrew said we could but had to play by two rules...

1) We could not conquer each other.
2) We could not send resources to each other.

We were however allowed to be in the same alliance and fight the same cause's.

However, Andrew has taken it upon himself to go back on what he told us, and conveniently took over $100 worth of squads with him.

Peaches was banned because she joined WU on F3, which I am also in. She joined late in the round but was doing what she could to support the alliance. This was a week ago...then tonight Andrew bans her when the top 2 alliances on M2 are about to go head to head... It would almost seem as though this admin has it out for her.

Im so disappointed in Andrew. Months of hard work and alot of supporting down the drain, not to mention he has basicaly ruined the end of this round for not only my wife but most of the top supporters on M2. Gods I'm sure didn't want to win like that and neither did the NTA guys.

At the end of the day, BD got paid and the players on M2 got screwed out of a fun end to the round. As for F3... I guess EVIL and Bozo either couldn't handle a rank 1200 noob or they are friends with Andrew, either through playing or bought. Either way... not very ethical. This is the second time Peaches has not been given the chance to explain herself. She has protested both times and Andrew has not had the decency to reply to her or look into what happened. First time he pulled this stunt, she lost units... now her entire army.

How could he make it up to her? he cant. Send her tokens or give her crystals? LOL! I've only seen him give crystals to ROTF for sharing accounts to attack GA... He going to plunk an OP with 225 crystals next to her colony? No. Replace 80 squads? ...he wont. For an already inactive admin, (and he is compared to the others) he sure knows how to time an epic fail.

Peaches and everyone else in NTA has lost all faith in the game and its Admin, shame on him.

aka: "hubby"

"Man who sit on toilet, high on pot." ~Not Confucius (Could have been me... I dun remember =)~


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