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 Post subject: Mein Kampf
PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:13 am 
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 YIM  Profile

Joined: Sun May 31, 2009 9:29 pm
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Hello Battledawners!!... Maybe, for the last time :-)

As many/some of you might know by now I was part of the moderator and maintenance Staff up until a few days/weeks ago until I was removed due to a strange dissapearing from my part. Such absence was provoked by no less than something many here fear...


Indeed my friends. After almost 6 years (cant remember if BD is 5 or 6 years old) of constant play, suggestion making and staff help/work I've decided my time has come to face the problems my life and college/work have put in front of me.

I have to say, some of my best time I enjoyed here in BD with many people and friends, training people, seeing legends come and go, empires rise and fall... sicnerely, watching the seasons pass while changes happened... Many, MANY things I've really enjoyed here and many many people I've met and had the pleasure to play and worj with.

I'm not going to mention people because some/many may want to kill me for not mentioning them and trust me, in 6 years you come to meet A LOT of people.

What I WILL mention are the alliances I enjoyed the most during my whole career and the ones I owe the most:

-TNT: The alliance that gave birth to this old bag of bones, flesh and brainz. Sincerely, I'll never forget E1A1 OC and E3A1 OC. my not unsuccessful (neither successful) beginning :)

-aRaB: The first win I had, the best ranking I've ever had and the essence of a long and mostly entertaining era of wars and massive armies and strategy used (OC of course)

-TBH/xXx: Even tho I know someone here may not agree with that round, I enjoyed the round, the wars (fairly won) and the end win. There I had my first pleasure of knowing some of the greatest players I've ever been with like... (names not included)... really good round :D

-SPAM/RD: The epic round was what mattered. Never seen one like that one even tho I didnt participated directly I was part of the constant movement of the world.

-VAT/DETH/LSR: Great alliances, mainly composed of the same people xD and really guys we really need a win together :D. (My first alliances on my NC return to the game)

And dont think I'll forget about these last 2 considering they were the most epic times:

2.- IRON/TROY: The birth of the IRON MAIDEN. The berserker mode of my gaming activated. Tho... with no available alliance, 3-4 few people can't kill the whole world from the beginning... (or at least not that easy)

And last but NEVER least...

1.- =I= - Insanity: The most epic 3 vs the world round I've ever had in OC. 4 people against a 10+(growing) subs Sub Empire. Lost of units killed. Lots of people killed and many many things I really appreciate.

Also... well lots of other alliances where I met great people like KOH, =KS=, TK, TDK, Omega, VULC and lots of NC alliances.

And for my last lines I'll just say a few goodbye words.

Don't think I'll ever forget all that happened in this marvelous community and with the great staff we have working behind the scenes. All the work I once did for this awesome game, the time I spent with the Staff and community game a hell lot of experience, patience and memories I'll cherish wherever I go and live in. A big teaching I'll never forget is "Dont go away thinking anything will go to hell, do your best effort, try and learn not to critizise stupidly without a REAL background".

Anyway, here this ends.
Hoping to come back again and once again be able to help in anyway I can...

As a friend...

Shion says GOOD BYE Battledawners!

PD: I just regret I didnt did this as the eldest mod still with the "pink" name. xD
PD2: Even if you dont believe me, it is really hard to say goodbye...

--------------Retired January 2012--------------------
Personal Rankings [Old Client]
E6A2 #2 M2A1 #9 E3A1 #16 E6A4 #24 E5A3 #24

Last edited by Shion on Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:20 am, edited 3 times in total.


 Post subject: Re: Mein Kampf
PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:13 am 
Lieutenant Major
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bye buddy
as a fellow staff member you will be missed but you will be missed as a friend. have fun living your life to the fullest.

and just for you i will stick the topic, we will miss ya

Retired Sr.mod


 Post subject: Re: Mein Kampf
PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:16 am 

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Shion, where do I begin? I've known you for so long, it's almost impossible to say goodbye. You, Buf, and Inco are probably my longest running BD friends, running about 6 years now? It's a shame to see you leave my friend, and all the good times we've had together will never leave my memory. So many of us old vets are leaving, and I'm not sure how many more will be around for awhile longer. It's a shame to you go, but you better come back and say hi every once and awhile, or I will come and find you.

Have a good time old friend, and I hope to talk to you soon.

Your old friend,


 Post subject: Re: Mein Kampf
PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:17 am 
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RL is but a legend, a beautiful but unreal dream.

Don't know you very well... but you will come back someday and pop in and say hi won't you? At least you're planning on coming back. I'm holding on to that.

sidenote. you didn't use color!

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 Post subject: Re: Mein Kampf
PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 9:37 am 
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Why would you leave us!! :( :( :( :( :( :(

Shion its been great knowing ya'll. Hope you'll end up like many and pop back and rejoin the game after "retiring" as many have done :)


Come back and visit us puhhhlleeeeaaassssseee

Sig thanks to Darklighter!
CoTM Winner: October


 Post subject: Re: Mein Kampf
PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 9:51 am 
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Rin, why would u leave me :(



 Post subject: Re: Mein Kampf
PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 9:58 am 
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I didn't really know you so I'm not going to pretend to be distraught. But it's always sad to see someone leave. Good luck in RL.


 Post subject: Re: Mein Kampf
PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 11:02 am 
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Shion, you have been around for so long. Your a great player, but you are an even better person to have around. I am sure everyone here is going to miss you. I wish you the best of luck in RL. Its always terrible saying goodbye to someone but when it is someone as amazing as you its nearly impssible. The song says it all.

P.S the pink is just for you.




Skype: tazmoo2


 Post subject: Re: Mein Kampf
PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 1:26 pm 
Lieutenant Major
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goodbye and good luck in real life i hope you come back soon

Best rank:1
Most Crystals:34
Most power:192
Best alliance finished:1st

Skype: ads126bd

The Silent Spammer.


 Post subject: Re: Mein Kampf
PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:03 pm 
 WWW  YIM  Profile

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Shion,goodbye and so long :( I hope one day you'll come back.

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made in the hands of darklighter
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