For those that do not know me I was the creater and leader of NEW. I took a year break now I am ready to win. The first time I lead an allaince we ended up top 5. The one time I lost an era, 5 allainces joined up to defeat us.So when i play I play hard. I dont mind looking out for my allaince and will give tokens, loan tokens when needed. I expect loyaly and a level of seriousness when we need you.
NEW FAMILY Looking for player for next era. Also Leader of sub. New has finished top 3 a few times. After a year break I am looking to start NEW back up. We will play with integrity. But comming in 2nd is not an option. If you want to play and have fun (and win), let me know. I have 5 of the best bd players already:) Everyone one on the list below has played and won with me.
I have played for 2-3 years myself, and I am on throughout the day on Weekdays (6-8 hours) and weekends (16-18 hours). I am looking for alliance members, and I am almost starting from scratch, since I cant find some of my past members. I boost heavy but do not require my alliance members to. I expect to have 4 boosters and as a booster I help others when we can.
The style of alliance it will be, in one word, is strategic. Military strategy, as per Liddell Hart, is "the art of distributing and applying military means to fulfil the ends of policy".[6] By virtue of this definition, strategy, firstly, becomes applicable both to peace and war, and, secondly, clearly subordinates strategy to a larger purpose, namely politics.[7] This has led to the development of another term to differentiate military strategy from the overarching strategy applicable at the highest levels incorporating all the ingredients of national power to achieve national policy - grand strategy.[citation needed] Yet others contest the reduction of strategy to second rung, arguing that strategy always encompassed use of other instruments of the state, such as diplomacy and economic warfare. The purely military focussed aspect of strategy was given a subordinate term, operational art.[citation needed]
In addition, Force will be very laid back, not in the sense of laziness, however, although I will be leading the alliance, I will be taking ideas and orders from everyone within the alliance. I value these ideas and orders, to the same degree that I'd expect you'd value mine. I will not abandon the least of my guys and any attack against my members or sub will be handled with full force.
I will:
Build fast and protect you early
Listen to your comments
Take care of your colony when its by me
I expect:
Log in every day
Stay active when in war
Listen to orders
Be loyal to NEw above all else.
Just to sum up the requirments:
- Must have way I can contact you for emergency. Leaders must have skype.
If you have email you check often or black berry perfect.
Urgent information can be delivered to everyone, quickly.
- Activity:
A long log in at least every 15 (30 ticks) hours, for long durations of time, and more during important events
This will give you a greater chance of obtaining mines/wells/conquers/outposts
It would mean that we can do things together, more often and more effectively as an alliance.
- Experience:
At least a year
- Personality
I just ask you be mature
I let my members play and have fun. But I have learned that too rash is not good. SO when I ask you not to attack someone dont attack them. Reputation is important
Alliance Member List
1)Anthonymn (Highest rank 1st, was 2nd e5(ally was 1st) and e2)
2) Kesterboy (Won e5 numerous times)
3) Slick (top5 numerous times)
4) Pantera (Won e2 a few times)
6)Ash of Legend (Highest rank 7)
Please reply to this thread if you wish to apply.
Leave your player details below.
Don't feel disheartened by the requirments
Thank you for your time.
Edit: We are full for non boosters. Looking for one more player that is very active and boosts. Wwe are trying to balance boosing with non boosting. Still looking for sub.
If you are interested in creating/joining our sub then please contact me via Skype: tonytony3665
whiteanthony@live.comAnthonymnj of strategic