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 Post subject: The Turtles Take Over Fantasy 5!
PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 12:26 pm 
Second Lieutenant
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As of today, the Better Faster Purple Turtles (BFPT) have collected the 10th and final relic to bring the very first era of Fantasy 5 to an amazing end. With great pride, we can claim that the alliance has broken the record for the highest crystals obtained for an alliance in Battledawn. As of now, the alliance has raked in a total of 1772 crystals with the 100 ticks mandatory relic holding period being over before the official onset of Havoc by Admin Andrew. I feel it appropriate to chart out our wonderful journey with my members. The post is long so please bear with me


The eastern area was the starting point for BFPT’s strong performance. We nearly had every colony in the entire eastern side under our control. The wars with the alliances there, helped strengthen our position


Our enemies from the beginning of the era, ATF was growing into a formidable force. They were openly hostile to us and we knew it had to end now or never. We had several encounters to intercept their units at critical points of the map. This was followed by BFPT moving mass units 8-10 ETA from their hive. In the mean time, ATF became shifty and we managed to obtain a critical member from their alliance over to our side. However, that member refused to take part in the ATF war as a matter of principle which was honoured by us. ATF soon disintegrated as we starting conquering their members. By the time ATF was down and out, we all knew that this was a move in the right direction.

SHAG was one large disaster waiting to happen. During the early ticks, we allowed them to exist unconquered in exchange for a commitment by them to hand over any relic they may obtain. They tied up with us as allies. Later, a couple of members backtracked and there was some hesitation from their members to give us the one relic they had captured. I had also received intel from trusted members from outside alliances that they planned as assault on us later on. This was later confirmed when one of their own members admitted this. They also resorted to tactics like recruiting members from enemies alliances which we were about to hit. All in all, though we were so called allies – the relationship was never meant to last and we terminated them early on. All due respect goes out to Langy – The leader of SHAG. He did the best he can, but was pulled in two directions by his team mates.

TC was an alliance with a decent amount of crystals just waiting to be taken. Their leader was never a good communicator and deep inside I knew TC would side with SHAG/ATF in the event they plotted against us. After the downfall of SHAG, we moved our units into TC area and took them all out. After the demise of ATF+SHAG+TC, we had the entire south side colonies under our control.

OZ were the only reliable allies for a majority of the era, but here too, the relations soon broke down after we received reliable intel of a few of their members working against us with FANG. The OZ war was fast and swift. We conquered all except one who went on vacation.


Our ally/sub from the beginning. I trusted them 100% due to the able leadership of Kongen of Woot and Odin of Ragnarok. Since it was not a serious era for them, they were happy with making a strong reliable sub alliance that would finish #2.

Allies towards the end of the era. They were instrumental in BFPT’s taking of the OZ relic, so we decided to ally them till the left over period.


So called allies but there’s too much to speak about FANG. Beastman their leader started well in my eyes after we gave them an opportunity to live and grow. But as time passes, relics and crystals are the reason for greed and dishonesty. Honestly, FANG gave BFPT a huge head ache with their sneak attack on BME and the destruction of the entire alliance by their leader. Every member was conquered, crystals taken and then later the leader went into vacation. He was later banned on account of operating multi accounts. Special mention to two particular members on the FANG alliance - Ralazo of Rome and Pimp of Demhoes, for standing out and facing Beastman and his illegal activities.


Our victory has been clear and concise. For those critics of BFPT who think this was a one time shot of luck, we will be back. In closing this, I would like to say a few words of appreciation to my team mates:

1. Aeryus of relic turtles (FRANK) – The Infantry Man. As much as I hate any member of my alliance to build Infantry, Frank surprised me with his 1200-1500 strong infantry army! I am pleasantly surprised to say, his army did exceptionally well, as he used them with skill.

2. Apocalypse of the Gods (TOOLEY) – Initial member of BFPT, later removed due to inactivity and then subsequently re instated after he promised to be more committed. He lived upto his efforts with team work and an attitude which can best be described as excellent.

3. Hell Zone of Hell Zone (KHALID) – This guy impressed me the most of all the 12 members, given that he wasn’t on the original roster of BFPT but an in game recruit. The best amongst the best in team work, Hell was one of the few who met every objective of home land defence put out before him. Another extensive Tank user, who used brutal force to conquer even the most resilient enemies.

4. Jen of Mwahaha (JEN) – An old friend on BD, this was one era when I finally got to play along with Jen in the same team. Initially, she never struck me as a player I could rely on for timely attacks and coordination. I now publicly take that back as her contribution in the last 3 wars we had was astounding. She will be known as the “Nuke Babe” of the team as she managed to make a nuke field, the size of Alaska on Fantasy 5. She was there when required and thats what matters to any leader.

5. Next Generation of Super Turtle (DOMMY) – The creator of BFPT on Earth servers, Dommy is an exceptional BD player who features in most top alliances. Our friendship and camaraderie has gone beyond the game of Battle dawn and we play on all alliances together. Any alliance that we’re in sees the two of us in intense competition for conquers and crystals!

6. Nub of Nublets (ROB) – Enough to say that Nub and Dommy are two very close friends to me. Nub is a killer on BD and has helped the alliance with home defence through the entire period of gameplay. He will be greatly appreciated for his efforts on the game though he went through a tough phase of his life personally.

7. Only Zul of The Fridge (ZAL) – Team work, coordination and skill best describe zal as a member of an alliance. I’m glad I had the opportunity to lead him. First to reach the battle field, was critical in managing and keeping in control the eastern region alliances. His 85 crystal haul in one single attack makes him the Lucky %^&*#$% of the team!

8. Power of the Government (DGAF/ANARCHY) – What can I say about this player. One of the only new comers in the game who has rose to the top ranks early on. One of the reasons why logging in to BD is fun because DGAF leaves us in splits with his witty remarks and his positive attitude. An invaluable asset as a player and team mate. Love this guy’s game play and attitude. Looking forward to seeing him in the Top 3 player ranks real soon.

9. Real Emperor of This Area (ISHAN) – A valuable player who started off in ATF and we were lucky enough to have him join our alliance and be part of the family. Being from same time zones, coordination with him was easy though not expected especially during the times he was up till odd hours of the night to move his units with mine. Never a complaint, he even got into trouble at work when his boss caught him making ranged units on the laptop! I will not post the consequences of that discovery! This justifies his dedication to the game.

10. The Renegade of BFPT (NUMAIR) – My very time time leading numair. He was another player who I could really trust for covering the alliance’s every requirement. Also kept the alliance chat room interesting and fun. Would definitely like to play more rounds with him due to his attitude and cooperation.

11. Zummy of Umbrella Corp (SOTHEAVY) – Undoubtedly my oldest friend in Battledawn, Zummy and myself go back a long way in this game. Leader and player of MoD, the legendary M3 alliance I cannot say much about zummy except that you gotta see his 50 squad pure ranged Tanks to feel the power! Good to have you back this era as we have always excelled in the same team. Kudos mate.

I am proud to have led such wonderful players. It is true that in order for a team to succeed, the attitude and nature of the team members matter, the rest – conquers, crystals and relics just follow as a part of the game. If you want to create a team than can shatter any BattleDawn record; this is how they should be, this is the team to have, these are the people to lead. Take a bow guys, cuz you are undoubtedly BD’s finest group of players!

I do not know whether I will be back for another era due to work pressure and real life obligations.
All I can say is – “Vive La BFPT”


S-KaY<3 says:
*i live on the BD forum xD
*i'm there 25/8

Last edited by psychomantisx on Thu Feb 11, 2010 8:05 pm, edited 13 times in total.


 Post subject: Re: The Turtles Take Over Fantasy 5!
PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 12:40 pm 
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Joined: Sun May 31, 2009 9:13 pm
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:mrgreen: OOOOOOO YES!!!! another dominate victory by BFPT....what can i say, this team is built around teamwork and friendships ;) always a fun time, thanx guys for a great round. Unlucky for the rest of the map though :lol: :lol:

Highest Power: 312
Highest crystals: 298
Career Relics: 15


E1 V #1
E2 SAGE #1
E5 GS #1
M2 MEOW #1
F5 BFPT #1

Creator Of Better Faster Purple Turtle


 Post subject: Re: The Turtles Take Over Fantasy 5!
PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 12:43 pm 
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Go BFTP!!! :D


Can't Stop Me!


 Post subject: Re: The Turtles Take Over Fantasy 5!
PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 1:30 pm 
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WOOT! Amazing speech Donald. But I only see 11 names up there. <_<

Psycomantisx of DarknessFalls (DONALD) - My first time playing with this guy, great leader, great cooperation and a great friend. Came rank 1 WITHOUT supporting (<_<) But I look forward to playing another round with Donald. Strict leadership, activityness, cooperation, determination. Those are what make a BD player/leader. Donald has all of those characteristics and fully deserves the name: Leader of the record breaking alliance. ( :P )

Love you bro. ;)

~The Renegade

After months of not speaking
Numair: You still alive? This was my only way to actually see if your online
Zhester: *You're :D

Last edited by Numair Mujeeb on Thu Feb 11, 2010 1:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.


 Post subject: Re: The Turtles Take Over Fantasy 5!
PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 1:30 pm 
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i have trained him well :)

Thank you Michael
Thank you developers
(^-check out the topics)


 Post subject: Re: The Turtles Take Over Fantasy 5!
PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 2:15 pm 
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Congratulations BFPT, you guys were amazing to play with. Always someone online, 24/7. I wish I had less school just to play and talk with you all. :)

To Donald, I didn't really know you before the round, but it now feels like I've known you for a long time. Definitely a great friend and amazing player-leader combo! :P

Only Zul of The Fridge


 Post subject: Re: The Turtles Take Over Fantasy 5!
PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 3:55 pm 

Joined: Tue Oct 13, 2009 5:57 am
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AND DO not forget you ARe the BEST leadr ever Donald


 Post subject: Re: The Turtles Take Over Fantasy 5!
PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 4:39 pm 
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"What can I say about this player. One of the only new comers in the game who has rose to the top ranks early on. One of the reasons why logging in to BD is fun because DGAF leaves us in splits with his witty remarks and his positive attitude. An invaluable asset as a player and team mate. Love this guy’s game play and attitude. Looking forward to seeing him in the Top 3 player ranks real soon."

What could I say? I got my Vans on but they look like sneakers.



 Post subject: Re: The Turtles Take Over Fantasy 5!
PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 5:47 pm 
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i know i was kicked but u could have added me on this speach :cry:

Revan of Purple Turtle: a good player at the start that was a little to greedy for crystals and didnt get along with a member of BFPT that helped him from getting conquored. thats all there is to say about this former member, i do not look forward to having him in any other of my alliances.



 Post subject: Re: The Turtles Take Over Fantasy 5!
PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 5:54 pm 
BD Tester
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Congratulations to all members of BFPT!!!

Everyone worked hard in this alliance to accomplish the win and the crystal record. I would like to say that it was a pleasure you play with all of you and hope to play again with you guys on another server. I would like to thank Donald for being such a good leader and friend.




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