CaRnage roots go as far as 2000-2001 and the game was called TheColonies. Nowdays what is left of us have been playing several years allready under the gaming community G.R.O.S.S, who proved to have plenty of similar fight spirit in them, after sharing a few rounds and games with them.
Currently GROSS focus lays on between Fantasy 1 and a possible new game with new challences. I along with the few in the tag are seeking entertaiment while waiting the main server to reset and due lack of community support, going oldschool and under my old alliance name.
Take this opportunety to either establish yourself to become part of over 10 years old gaming community thrue this solo project of mine, or just share a round with a few worthy players.

I am looking for highly communicative members who are willing to use external tools for our communication. Use of IRC is prefered, skype, msn or similar will do for me personally aswell. Experience isnt required, teamplay, activity fight spirit and the communication is.
- Avenger