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 Post subject: New Updates - Saturday June 20th, 2009
PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:07 am 
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Alright guys we originally had planned to release several updates this evening but it has been pushed back a bit and we should have it released tomorrow. Below is a list of the changes that will go into affect tomorrow.

Messages: Admins get the original message without censorship.

Broadcasts: Admins get the original broadcast without censorship.
Broadcasts: Players can now delete their own broadcasts.

Squad travel: Squad travel cost & speed ratio for owned targets is now the same as allies.

Teleporting: Gate travel cost reduced to 0.5E per tick per squad.

Outposts: You can only launch an attack from an outpost if it has 3 or more control ticks.
Outposts: Fixed the bug causing "ERR_YOU_ARE_OVER_CAPACITY" when trying to place an outpost.

Relics: Relic movement speed decreased to 60km per tick, was 250km.

Vacation: Vacationed colonies produce 25% of their normal rates of production and pay double taxes if they are conquered.

Auto-vacation: Non-supporters go into auto-vacation at 250 ticks, delete after 500 ticks. Supporters go into auto-vacation at 250 ticks, delete after 1000 ticks. A PM is sent to the forum account for your colony when you are inactive for 250 ticks.

Boost bar: The amount of tokens required to fill the boost bar was cut in half.
Boost bar: The mass bonus from the boost bar has been doubled to: 100% of the global avg of oil and metal.

Events: Players now receive events when their vacation and deletion requests have been canceled.

Tick Change: Due to the amount of requests being queued during tick changes you will now get a server busy message for maybe 30 seconds while the server is calculating the tick change, essentially the same way the old client worked during tick changes.

Alliances: When you leave/kicked from alliance your control ticks are turned to 0
Alliances: You cannot join an alliance until you have 24 control ticks

Conquers: When you quell a rebellion it will reset the control ticks to 0

Spies: Bug with spies catching themselves when you add spy protection should now be fixed.

Banned Colonies: Removed from the scoreboard if banned.

These changes have now gone into effect, enjoy! I also added a few more to the list.

Feel free to post any comments/feedback about this update!

Have a good one!



 Post subject: Re: New Updates - Saturday June 20th
PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:42 am 
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Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:19 am
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Question about the outpost attacking, if an attack is sent, and the outpost is taken by someone else before you get there, will your squads be turned around? My assumption is no, but it never hurts to ask.

90% of the time I start off weak and end strong. If the alias That one guy or Attom is near you, your best bet is to recruit me ;).


 Post subject: Re: New Updates - Saturday June 20th
PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 10:29 am 
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Your squad will continue attacking as per normal.




 Post subject: Re: New Updates - Saturday June 20th
PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:57 pm 

Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2009 5:13 am
Posts: 4
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one question!!
people who are already put on vacatin will they all be removed til next 250 ticks because if they arnt it doesnt make any change...

i have 50 conquers...

30 are put on vacation...

so will all the vacation colonies in this world will get 250 ticks extra to be put on vacation again!!



 Post subject: Re: New Updates - Saturday June 20th
PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 1:00 pm 
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 WWW  YIM  Profile

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also are the relics and crystals value going to change


Skype name edwin7744 :D


 Post subject: Re: New Updates - Saturday June 20th
PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:45 pm 
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Squad travel cost and speed: So you're saying that if it takes me 6 hours to travel to my op, after the update, it's going to take just as long as my allies' and cost the same as well?

Outposts: what is this, you can't launch an attack from an ouptpost you just captured? You have to wait 3 ticks to attack?

That changes things a bit.


 Post subject: Re: New Updates - Saturday June 20th
PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:50 pm 

Joined: Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:51 am
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Outposts: what is this, you can't launch an attack from an ouptpost you just captured? You have to wait 3 ticks to attack?

yes, an OP must have 3 ticks of control for you to be able to attack from.

Squad travel cost and speed: So you're saying that if it takes me 6 hours to travel to my op, after the update, it's going to take just as long as my allies' and cost the same as well?

Well, sort of. Moving to your own OPs will cost the same as moving to your allies OPs (So it will cost more) rather than the other way round. You're basically right, though.

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 Post subject: Re: New Updates - Saturday June 20th
PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 2:44 pm 
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Aww that is totally messed up you guys just had to start the maintenance RIGHT when I was about to launch an attack, couldn't you wait till the tick was over? :roll:

90% of the time I start off weak and end strong. If the alias That one guy or Attom is near you, your best bet is to recruit me ;).


 Post subject: Re: New Updates - Saturday June 20th
PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 2:49 pm 
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Updates are being done as I write this, worlds are closed momentarily while the update is done. Check the first post for all the updates and I added a few more.




 Post subject: Re: New Updates - Saturday June 20th
PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 3:19 pm 
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Andrew wrote:

Squad travel: Squad travel cost & speed ratio for owned targets is now the same as allies.

Attacking from outposts: You can only launch an attack from an outpost if it has 3 or more control ticks.

Relics: Relic movement speed decreased to 60km per tick, was 250km.

Spies: Bug with spies catching themselves when you add spy protection should now be fixed.

everytime the programmers try to make the server better they just end up messing it up even more.....
I like the new server but the updates about squad travel and attacking from outposts are just plain dumb there was no need for it to change!!!

btw people who lost their spies should get a bonus of at least 100 energy for the spy they lost

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