Well at this rate they will be noone playing BG, its just a token generator...
I mean Galaxy players are the most active now, as soon as DOGS, FD, REP etc left, it was only TK...
Now REP came and fought a attempt to remake DOGS, (some DOGS players were in it) But REP was too active and within the first 1000 ticks won the war...
I mean how can u be online 24/7 xD
TK are just getting easy tokens in that era they were allied with REP, but did no fighting and are coming 2nd and 3rd...
And in G4 noone even tries to step up to TK...
Im not saying im against TK but there is no competition anymore
In g3 it used to be GODS/FD on one side with allies vs TK on the other side with allies and the war would last for 2000-3000 ticks, thats what u call an era...
There isnt even enough conquers

So i dont see a bright future for Galaxy...
Maybe the admins can host a big event there to try and boost popularity...