TTTT09 wrote:
Now I've seen a lot of BC's about what is SoLD going to do are they going to help SAGE are they going to fight VND for win what will they do.
Well since we have answered this many times and other people seem to keep asking its very simple, at the beginning of this round we made a deal with the 2 alliance we knew were going for win VND + SAGE that whoever won we would hand over relics if we had any so this answers the question we will just hand over relics, yes boring it may be but it sticks to our deal with both coalitions that we would not get involved.
We decided long before the round was started we were specifically a just watching but having a bit of fun alliance, although we are rank 1 that is down to us not fighting we don't really deserve rank 1 which someone suggested we really don't, although many of our alliance would like rank 1 we know we don't deserve it we haven't played this era seriously we have been having a great deal of fun.
So thanks for reading my sorta rant....
gaurav1 wrote:
Thank you for the clarification. Should put an end to all the talk from players about what SoLD will do etc etc.
Yes, Thank you for the straight talk without any chest beating