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 Post subject: TRKY
PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 6:59 pm 
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I'm sure a lot of you have noticed, TRKY (are likely) to have an extensive farming/multi system. We have informed the admin, but we need more evidence. Please post anything you have noticed about them.

I've noticed in my attacks on them, That their sub members will log on, suicide units into mine, or launch high numbers of missiles (dragons) from the hive of TRKY under the protection of being conquered by them. Not only that. But we took around 10 OP's obviously made for farming by TRKY, It was made by a member of a TRKY sub, and the same tick they were made, TRKY already had attacks going to all of them. We saw similiar activity closer to their hive.

My question is, Why are the people of F3 letting them get away with it? Why not influence the admin to pay more attention through hard evidence?

My only regret for posting this is the fact that I did not take a screenshot (cuz I don't know how to post it) of the large farm they ran before we took over the farming area.

Semper Fidelis

'Nuff Said

Last edited by DantesLight on Fri Jan 27, 2012 7:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.


 Post subject: Re: TRKY
PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 7:29 pm 
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I have noticed that the people conquered by TRKY always launch nukes at me or my allies and they never seem to attack the people that have conquered them Admin Joe doesn't seem to care :x


 Post subject: Re: TRKY
PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 7:29 pm 

Joined: Sat Nov 05, 2011 7:08 pm
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Yes, They absolutly are cheaters, we've even shown the Admin proves about their farms, they also get banned really often, but for some reason they come back after some time. In my opinion this isn't fair and we need justice ASAP.

Atte: luistorres Rnin leader in f3 english server.


 Post subject: Re: TRKY
PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 5:59 pm 
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Obviously, Nothing is going to be done about it. They placed a multi right beside of us. It even attacked with them. But they get in trouble? No. The multi is banned now but there is not a matching pair. Noone in TRKY is banned for this. A member of our sub got Ion Cannoed 12 times... 3 different times each by 4 people whom were NOT even in an alliance. But were in close proximity to TRKY. Whats the point of playing if heavy cheaters like this can get away with it?

Semper Fidelis

'Nuff Said


 Post subject: Re: TRKY
PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 6:59 pm 
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hmmm interesting.....


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 Post subject: Re: TRKY
PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 9:12 pm 
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They could be made up of mostly supporters (TByers) so if these accusations were true than nothing will ever be done cause that's how the whole thing works. just like a lobbyist to a politician. i mean seriously would you TOTALLY BAN people from using your game just cause they found a away to abuse it especially if they are the ones investing in it. NO.

Now if they aren't TByers, then yes, put em out of the world, cause poor people should always be held to a higher standard in order to secure proper control. haha j/p


 Post subject: Re: TRKY
PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 9:14 pm 
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You guys please understand that if there sub is playing activly it is not considered farming. Also we do not favor boosters if they are cheating they will be punished accordingly.

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CoTM Winner: October


 Post subject: Re: TRKY
PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 11:17 pm 
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Golden, What you seem not to understand is that at least 1/3 to 1/2 of their sub members are either multi's, or choose to play the game in a way that no sensible player would.
I have plenty of conquers in the game, Most of them don't like being conquered by me or just give up, That is how it's been in mine and our alliances entire experience. We always have had to relocate them out of the hive. These guys have enough conquers in their hive to completely take them over, But you do not see them fighting back, Instead, You see them log on 1 time a day, Make OP's for the main, Make units, Suicide units into TRKY's enemies, Or launch massive amounts of nukes that TRKY lets them have.
None of these make any since for a decent player, or even a noob to do, So either the dozens of conquers are all individual friends of TRKY. Or several of them are multi's.
Had it been 5 or less, I could have passed it off as nothing. But at least a dozen of them fight back, the others just sit there.
I can give you several examples.

Ex. 1 code: logs on about once every 1-2 days. Launches about 8-9 nukes
Ex. 2 pasa: (Thats his name no idea what it might mean in spanish) made around 10 OP's at once for TRKY to take.
Ex. 3 ZEUSS: Suicided 200 units into an obvious defeat. The units were all the same build as TRKY and it was not the build of a noob.
Ex. 4: (Reported by Sub Leader) His units got Ion Cannoned 12 times by people without alliances, Conquered by TRKY, and close proximity to TRKY. Names were kapy, GDK, bun, and UZI. All done when TRKY's units were 1 tick away. 3 times from each of them... I mean come on, few noobs know that converting can give you an extra Ion Cannon.

Need I go on?
Its obvious to the point of which I feel as if I could go insane with anger towards how much the system is failing at this point. I've talked to the admins before, And they are cool, but this is a situation in which I am frustrated enough to dislike them. =[

If anyone can tell me how to capture a screenshot and post it, I can show a few bits of evidence. Won't be much though, Most of it already passed by.

Semper Fidelis

'Nuff Said


 Post subject: Re: TRKY
PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 11:33 pm 
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See this is where the game rules are complicated. If they are loggin on everyday making units they are playing the game and they are not considered farms. How exactly would you know they are multies and if you have messaged Joe im sure he will have checked it out and I will nudge him again just to make sure he has done it :)

Sig thanks to Darklighter!
CoTM Winner: October


 Post subject: Re: TRKY
PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 11:39 pm 
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Although I wish justice was done the correct way. It will not matter soon. They are being wiped out.
Justice that cannot be served by a leader can be served by the followers. ^^

Semper Fidelis

'Nuff Said


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