So we were just sitting in aus training some new players when this other alliance of new players decides to attack us..
currently stratergy wise they ave been massacred.
being in lockdown with 25 squad.
all there colonies jammed
weve sent a nuke on the way
and we have 25 squads on the attack.
but obviously this is no longer a game of just stratergy..the size ofthe enemys pocket may see them through this..but they will lose men..and it wont be worth the 4 crystals we have.
anyway if our allies support us VULK will be out of Aus within 100 ticks

well i hope so anyway

good luck..i guess all new players deserve luck at the least i suppose for new players although all theyve done is boost VULK have done okay.
Note: another 7 squads join our attack
Note: OOO and Lava relocates into the op which for somereason gets rid of the red shield thing...that is stupid and should be patched out of the game...well things are more intresting now .

Lava relocated to the Op and actiivated shield and attacked Mazer. we decided to continue the attack to cause large casulties even though we would likely lose with the nuke haveing hit while no units were present.
now VULK are brining in more reinforcements although there are 11 allied squads comeing...not sure if they will arrive on time and if they do after the battle they will ave to fight our units....
anyway as it stands

Note: i havnt played since OC and did not expect the red shield to be turned off by relocation

also you might see the nuetral colony. hawkeye by us. he was one of us but left as soon as VULK attacked.. if he hadnt ran are chances would be much higher..
as it stand all exept one members armies are engaged. and the one not engaged is not online.
Well we are conquered but it isnt over

Buck 50 assures me his alliance wont keep attacking and will leave us alone while his pet Lava continues to attack our outposts etc.
obviously leadership of an alliance only goes so far in some alliances.
oh well looks like Lava will be prey to the usual Spy attacks loseing undefended ops and occasionly getting nukes that all VULK deserve.