Polarz wrote:
Well, thanks for the warning. However, the game itself has a pretty good security. I do think that this is "DOA" (Don't trust anyone).
Simple as it is, there are a lot of scammers around in the game lobby. So I say, just do not give your account details to any body. So as good as he offers, do not trust any body that will randomly send you a pm and will come and say "Give me your user name and password and I will give you mine."
That is all, thanks.

Pretty much correct we advise strongly in our TOS to keep your password to yourself and no one else should have access to your account.
The best advise we can give is just to ignore these messages and if these types of players are not "stealing" accounts they will eventually give up and therefore these incidents will stop and hopefully no more incidents like the ones you have mentioned should occur.
Personally I would try and spread the message of not giving out your password to anyone amongst your clan and friends. This would hopefully help solve the problem.