[9:10:20 AM] nikolas krstic: haha guys did we actually hack NoS?
[9:10:41 AM] Lain, fear the RAWR: i did
[9:10:42 AM] Lain, fear the RAWR:

[9:10:44 AM] Lain, fear the RAWR: no lol
[9:10:45 AM] L3G3ND: no i did
[9:10:50 AM] Lain, fear the RAWR: I DID!!!
[9:06:35 AM] LittleHunta,BigHunta: I DID!!
[9:10:56 AM] nikolas krstic: i say its lain;p
[9:10:57 AM] Lain, fear the RAWR: we should post this convo on the forums
[9:10:59 AM] Lain, fear the RAWR: for fun
[9:11:08 AM] L3G3ND: yeh but we all know i hacked it
[9:11:11 AM] L3G3ND: so w/e
[9:11:13 AM] Lain, fear the RAWR: no.....
[9:11:15 AM] Lain, fear the RAWR: i did
[9:11:17 AM] Lain, fear the RAWR: and u know it
[9:11:20 AM] L3G3ND: stop trying to take credit for what i did
[9:11:26 AM] Lain, fear the RAWR: thats why im in intrnet security in university...
[9:11:28 AM] Lain, fear the RAWR: clearly its me
[9:11:42 AM] L3G3ND: thats why i hacked Sony
[9:11:51 AM] Lain, fear the RAWR: Thats why i hacked NASA
[9:11:54 AM] nikolas krstic: ok im not sure who is it
[9:12:03 AM] Lain, fear the RAWR: Sona and NASA were just warm ups
[9:12:06 AM] Lain, fear the RAWR: for octavians computer
[9:12:12 AM] nikolas krstic: lol
[9:12:17 AM] Lain, fear the RAWR: that was the real deal:D
[9:12:18 AM] L3G3ND: I created the internet
[9:12:23 AM] Lain, fear the RAWR: i created life
[9:12:32 AM] L3G3ND: I created you
[9:12:35 AM] L3G3ND: so my creation
[9:12:37 AM] L3G3ND: created life
[9:12:40 AM] L3G3ND: therefore
[9:12:42 AM] L3G3ND: everything you do
[9:12:46 AM] L3G3ND: is down to me
[9:12:55 AM] Lain, fear the RAWR: I went back in time
[9:12:57 AM] Lain, fear the RAWR: and created u
[9:13:13 AM] L3G3ND: but how when i created you
[9:13:16 AM] L3G3ND: if not for me
[9:13:19 AM] L3G3ND: you would not exist
[9:13:20 AM] nikolas krstic: legend wins!

This was a chat about E4, thats why its in the E4 section xD
EDIT: To all NoS, its fake, we dont cheat XD