[14/11/2014 16:48:31] BAZINGA: everyone plant an agent on this op now N:12616 E:26144 if we are to stand a chance you'd get atleast 5 agnets there
[14/11/2014 16:48:52] BAZINGA: I told you all to plant agents why is there only a few people planted
[14/11/2014 16:50:39] Nightmare: right now we are focused on moving to AA
[14/11/2014 16:51:30] BAZINGA: then why did you make goals to fight RoFL?
[14/11/2014 16:51:51] Nightmare: because we are but we also need to relocate now
[14/11/2014 16:52:12] BAZINGA: you're all sitting your spies on your (Want to be allies? Sometimes I like to pretend I am a princess riding a pony..) colonies
[14/11/2014 16:52:27] BAZINGA: we would stand a chance if you had planted agents like I said
[14/11/2014 16:52:37] BAZINGA: you can never beat RoFL unless you stop playing like a sub
[14/11/2014 16:56:16] Nightmare:
viewtopic.php?f=88&t=31389[14/11/2014 16:56:41] BAZINGA: if 4e are our brother alliance as you said earlier in this era then I suggest you relocate to NA and seek their protaction
[14/11/2014 16:59:14] Nightmare: we are going to AA for now
[14/11/2014 17:37:27] Nightmare: i made the boost bar go up 4%

[14/11/2014 17:45:55] BAZINGA: your
[14/11/2014 17:45:57] BAZINGA: spies
[14/11/2014 17:45:58] BAZINGA: are
[14/11/2014 17:46:00] BAZINGA: still
[14/11/2014 17:46:01] BAZINGA: sitting
[14/11/2014 17:46:02] BAZINGA: plant
[14/11/2014 17:46:03] BAZINGA: agents
[14/11/2014 17:46:04] BAZINGA: or
[14/11/2014 17:46:12] BAZINGA: I'll seriously bithc slap someone
[14/11/2014 17:46:37] Nightmare: lmfao
[14/11/2014 17:47:00] BAZINGA: I'm being serious it does no (Want to be allies? Sometimes I like to pretend I am a princess riding a pony..) good just sitting there thats not the reason spies are in the game

[14/11/2014 17:47:24] Nightmare: no but they give us more spy protection though
[14/11/2014 17:48:31] Nightmare: there my spy is moving after i made sure i had over 1k ticks of spy protect
[14/11/2014 17:50:52] BAZINGA: fire.
[14/11/2014 17:50:59] BAZINGA: nobody (Want to be allies? Sometimes I like to pretend I am a princess riding a pony..) plants agents on colos
[14/11/2014 17:51:15] BAZINGA: and if they attacked ur colo and u have large amount of units there u could add sp
[14/11/2014 17:51:34] BAZINGA: u cant sacrifice the asset of agents for something so stupid
[14/11/2014 17:51:47] Nightmare: i dont have an agent
[14/11/2014 17:52:11] Nightmare: i used my normal spy i didnt recruit 1 single agent all era
[14/11/2014 17:54:18] BAZINGA: fire
[14/11/2014 17:54:22] BAZINGA: you've played since oc
[14/11/2014 17:54:37] BAZINGA: but you act like you've played for a month
[14/11/2014 17:54:56] Nightmare: i do not
[14/11/2014 17:55:53] BAZINGA: how can you play since oc and not realise you need to actualy plant agents
[14/11/2014 17:56:11] Nightmare: dude i just havent yet
[14/11/2014 17:56:27] Nightmare: since i work i dont always do much
[14/11/2014 17:56:33] Nightmare: i log in and out alot
[14/11/2014 17:56:50] Nightmare: i dont put forth the time i did on OC
[14/11/2014 18:00:17] BAZINGA: what's your army?
[14/11/2014 18:01:29] BAZINGA: I'm going to get a br of their army
[14/11/2014 18:01:39] Nightmare: im now going to Roll with Tanks'
[14/11/2014 18:03:54] BAZINGA: why are you making us mixed chassis for no reason?
[14/11/2014 18:04:07] BAZINGA: I'm close to leaving at this point one more screw up I swear
[14/11/2014 18:10:08] Nightmare: because
[14/11/2014 18:10:29] Nightmare: im tired of loseing Vehicles to Inf
[14/11/2014 18:12:18] BAZINGA: you wont automaticly lose a battle to inf if you're vehicles you know
[14/11/2014 18:12:49] BAZINGA: if the whole team had very little vehicles left then maybe we coulkd switch but its a bad idea to have some members with tanks and some with vehicles
[14/11/2014 18:13:07] BAZINGA: and if you dont know why then I really dont know how you could have been around since oc
[14/11/2014 19:09:26] Nightmare: dude in OC all of WN rolled different chassis
[14/11/2014 19:09:38] Nightmare: we had a few with Inf
[14/11/2014 19:09:43] Nightmare: a few with Vehicles
[14/11/2014 19:09:50] Nightmare: and the rest where Tank
[14/11/2014 19:10:18] Nightmare: as we all built random (Want to be allies? Sometimes I like to pretend I am a princess riding a pony..) squads to (Want to be allies? Sometimes I like to pretend I am a princess riding a pony..) people up
[14/11/2014 19:10:27] Nightmare: we where rebels and outlaws
[14/11/2014 19:10:32] Nightmare: i like Tanks better
[14/11/2014 19:10:42] Nightmare: and i play better with Tanks
[14/11/2014 19:11:02] Nightmare: Baz the gameplay has changed but my tactics i use have always been the same
[14/11/2014 19:11:15] Nightmare: im building Tanks to keep RoFL out of AA
[14/11/2014 19:13:03] Nightmare: Baz you will see my plans unfold real soon
[14/11/2014 19:13:14] Nightmare: our mix up chassis is for a reason
[14/11/2014 19:13:45] Nightmare: not all of us where useing Vehicles as it is
[14/11/2014 19:13:55] Nightmare: some of us already started recruiting Tank
[14/11/2014 19:14:01] Nightmare: we started with Inf
[14/11/2014 19:14:07] Nightmare: then switched to Vehicle
[14/11/2014 19:14:21] Nightmare: now im switching to Tank for extra fire power