I joined as a newbie when I was seven years old in 2008, wasn't as fluent in english compared to right now, I would play without having a single idea what I am doing. I joined the game 4 years later, things have a lot changed, the game mechanics becoming quite easier, Ignite and Ourania trained me, trajic welcomed me into his lovely alliance he founded a few years ago, in short, I've been through a lot... Yet in the end, I did it.
I am ranked eighth best of all times.
I finally made it

I want to address a special thank you to all who helped me become the player I am today to the following people:
trajic, Sue, Swagger, Guardian, WSS, Ratko, BlueKnight, Sasuke, Drake, Ourania, Ignite (My AANC mentor), Sayan, Malicewolf (For our time in NCRa), SunShine, GreenBay, Mr O.
I am grateful!
Thank you.