i am looking for a team of loyal men (or woman

) who are atleast a little experienced. id be glad to teach anyone and help them but i want some good, experienced and active members for this alliance. it doesnt matter if you buy tokens although thats good it is not a requirement. you must have skype, it is just easier to plan using that. and you must remain loyal. if i were to give you an order to attack an outpost where your outnumbered 3:1 in units you should do it. althouh i wont be asking you to do stuff like that, ive ran into way too many people that claim to be good but dont even move their units from their colony even in a time of war. all that i ask is for you to listen to me and to not disrepect other members and to dishonor agreements with allies.
the name is to be debated but i think its going to be either WOLF - the Wolf Pack
1st - the 1st Legion
both names are in memory of amazing alliances from the old client of battledawn that i helped lead
PM me if you are interested in joining and for my skype name, if you have a question leave a reply
Moved to Alliance Recruitment.
- Dawn