Not sure if this will even help me but uh lol here goes.
Wasn't sure sure if I should post a new topic itself or post on the existing thread, I feel this will be easier to spot.
Here is my info:
Looking only to join Littlelost, HardToKill, or Reign
Stats: As of typing this right now, 9th place on leaderboard, 1149 wins, 75 losses. (Been playing for only 4 weeks, am still a little nooby, but my win lose ratio improves every week. I have gotten as high as second and fourth place tho, but only briefly)
In-game name: Dead Inside~ (Was "Lovely Death", has since been changed)
Preferred method of contact: in game, email, phone, facebook, If you're interested in adding me, just PM me or ask for my contact info on this thread.
About me: I'm an 18 year old college student. I'm awesome but flawed in many ways. I spend money on this game like a crack addict but I hopefully wont have to for a while. Sneakers is a more important hobby. Sneakers is life.
I used to play about a year ago, but didn't spend money, I was pretty decent, but took a long break, made a new account (lost my old one) and I now want to play seriously. I'm extremely active and enjoy this game. I might never stop playing (maybe due to all the time and money invested), but it's not a bad pass time. Oh I ramble alot, excuse me.
If you have any more questions for me just holla at me.
Edit: One thing I forgot to mention, I have beaten several players in top clans and the leader board.