well i joined e2 to get use to the new client i ended up in an allience called CC , only like 7 or so members and xkSx thinks they can run the show and conquer us and own loads of outposts on papa new guenea/ indonessia and other polynessian islands
well they have another thing comming...
we have been clearing up xKSx units and outposts for awhile now we had them completely off papa and were still pushing hard
now xKSx is fighting with BMD allience we are helping BMD push them back.... xKSx has launched a large army through papa but made the mistake and left them on 1 outpost for too long i nuked the outpost and killed 275.5 enemy units that brang my xksx tally up to almost 300 units
now i continue our push against them and am still destroying units and outposts of theirs
i must say the new client annoying large alliences is really really FUN !!!