Skipio wrote:
also, if i kick inactive member offf alliance, and take his xtals is that farming???
Asking for crystals from players HAS got people banned in the past. For instance taking a crystal with a spam razes many flags for the admins, as the player claiming these crystals has put no real effort in to obtain them, so shouldn't be rewarded for them. Best thing to do is threaten the guys you want the crystals from, as wanting to take crystals from anyone should be seen as a threat

With that said though, there are cases where players have been able to take crystals with spams (I've seen it happen) and this has gone unnoticed. This is still considered cheating however it's normally due to players or admins missing something as not everyone is perfect

Just because someone tells you they've got away with it, doesn't mean you can to (incase someone pops there head in to say it's fine, they've done it before).
As for your recent question, kicking and taking crystals from a player in your alliance isn't a ban-worthy offense. However a lot of people will frown upon this, wondering why you've treated your alliance members in a such a way