well i give ffu 12 thing ...
they killed my entire army
my net went down for 2 days and i was not able to log in and get my butt off the front lines
my net finally came back online and 1 tick earlier they caught me and killed my army
well done ffu but it sucks you guys still got owned ... it was a fair trade i killed around 800+ units and lost my 550 ? so ya well done

NOW whats this ?? rev decide to attack 1 of our outposts . they sent 2 attacks 26 squads and 1 tick after around 19 squads ... one of our guys was offline and the other wasnt about to abandon the others army so he stuck around and they killed the first 26 squads . but took massive losses and then next group finished them off ...
this has led to REV's best guy having enough of their crap and leaving REV for good
well done rev .... just dug your own grave