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 Post subject: one helluva round
PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 11:16 pm 

Joined: Wed Oct 24, 2018 3:58 am
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Well as of this tick, the round on mars3 is officially over. This was one AMAZING round with some fun wars everywhere.

Some players I'd like to mention real quick:
Mad Max- we've played together wayy to much bro, and this round was another amazing one where our troops died side by side many times. I've never had more fun

MorGaNwell bro, another amazing round for FMJ. Too bad we couldn't finish with all 10 like last era, but BUL proved an amazing adversary. You're an amazing player, and a great leader. The ammount of sleep you must have sacrificed this era must've been astounding. Heres to another amazing round bro. Cheers!

Shadower/Son Last era I didn't really talk to you much 'cuz I didn't really do crap. haha. But we got to know each other really well this era, and I feel that I've discovered an amazing player I never really knew about. We played in Evil together on the OC, but once again;never communicated.

LoPeK I feel like I didn't really get to talk to you much this era bro. But you're an amazing player, and you're army scared the crap outta me at the end. Way to go bro, keep it up.

Mikkey/Milinor: We've talked a few times before, and you're a crazy one, haha. I've never had more fun in an msn chat group than when you're around. Another great round for you, proving that you don't have to donate to finish in the top!

Vicious:We may not like eachother much, I understand that. But you were always there for the alliance when we needed you. You're a team player, and I respect you. Maybe we both can learn to shutup and like eachother? :)

Kongen What happened bro? You're activity went to crap near the end. You had the biggest army in the world at one time, but just stopped coming online? You finished a comfy #18, but didn't say much the whole era. I had a fun time playing with you though bro. until next time.

Toppie and Celene I never really got to know either of you, but can tell you 2 are an amazing pair of players. Active, and crazy. Just the way I like it :twisted:

ShaneWell from texting me at 4 in the morning to get on and move my units to spamming the msn chat when I was sleeping, you were my go-to guy to wake me up when I needed to be up. It's a shame you didn't get a top 26 finish, God knows you deserved one. Perhaps next time my friend.

And now, on to BUL:

BUL-what can I say. I've never fought an enemy that slept less that you guys, lol. I enjoyed fighting you guys more than anything. I think I lost my army three times to you guys, but it was worth it. I've never had more fun in a war than when fighting BUL. Congratulations on first place. You fought for it, and got it.

What a great round guys. I succesfully finished #1 bounty ;) with not a single conquer almost all round.



 Post subject: Re: one helluva round
PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 12:11 am 
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That was really the best round I've ever played since I started BD a few years ago!!! Great fun, some bad moments and of course almost no sleep (3-4 hours a day max) during the whole time :shock: :D I'm glad that I played with the people in BUL which I know from the beginning (well most of them :D )

I think we proved that we can play as one... Congrat's for the victory to all of us in BUL!

FMJ was the biggest enemy I've ever faught... respect to you guys. You're a rough opponent... for real! Hope to meet again some time in the future. ;)

PS: Now I can get some sleep and get a life :lol:

Alliances: BUL, SWAT,


 Post subject: Re: one helluva round
PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 7:19 am 
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I still remember when I started in september and I did questions in Newby questions :D and You Apollo tried to help me deciphering my words twisted of my poor English :lol:

I am really amazed, finish second in front of an alliance as strong as bul without donating is great!

THANKS Morgan for trusting in me being so noob and giving me the oportunity to be in FMJ, thanks FMJ for the friendship and team spirit, for teach me many things and I still have to learn!

Cruella Devil
Championship Era 2013 Winner (DoCE/VND)


 Post subject: Re: one helluva round
PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 12:17 pm 
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A nice round with a good challenge...well fought guys, and thanks to all allies that stuck with us till the end.

---- There is no MSN FMJ Group Chat without MEE! :lol: :lol:

-MilanorEx of Crimsons

【Wins】 - 【12】


 Post subject: Re: one helluva round
PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 12:46 pm 
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apollo wrote:
We've talked a few times before, and you're a crazy one

Haha once again MilanorEx being crazy like usual. xD

Yeah good round :| but i don't think ill be returning to Mars 3 anymore.

Previous IGNs: Shadower of the Night Sky Current IGN: Thanatos
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 Post subject: Re: one helluva round
PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 10:28 pm 
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Joined: Sun Jun 07, 2009 10:44 am
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Thanks apollo ill agree with most of that :) FMJ was fun for a part time era for me.

Was kinda full on at times O.O but was fun none the less.

Good work FMJ and allis



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