LOL! I never begged for anything. A few of my members were taking orders from someone else and I relayed that information as well as what I was going to do about it to you. I made it clear that they were being dealt with before they even attacked you and at no point do I recall saying "dont attack us". If anything I simply said hold off and they will be punished anyway.
You guys seem to wash over all the facts in favour of a simplistic way of viewing what happened which makes you look more skilled than you actually are.
You didn't mention the RIP backstabb, all their subs, all your subs, WMS and their subs and WE? So it wasn't RoFL vs 10 alliances or whatever number you feel like pulling out of the hat when it suits you - it was more like RoFL and PETS (approximately 11) vs FAR (approximately 10/ with only 4 of which ACTUALLY FOUGHT).
So you should check the facts before you go off running your mouth thinking you're better than you are actually are. If you were as unstoppable as you claim you were you wouldn't have done so much running away?
If anything I will admit that we were greatly unprepared for a war of that scale but ultimately you won due to your deep pockets - nothing else.
Regardless this wasn't meant to be a serious era for me hence my alliance being called TA (Temporary Alliance). I'll see you guys again next era when a few golden oldies make a return... good luck