i saw a guy who were joining "NEWE" and recognised it to be newb (since i've heard it 1000 times before" then checked newb alliance and it were rank 3, i thought GREAT!
then i started to look at the names, and.. i don't see the newb part. here is the roster:
1 hand of god
2 Crazy ninja
3 vacha
4 Silent killers
5 i couldent think of a name
6 holy hollies
7 M of G
8 hound of hell
9 Kira yomato
10 scrappy
11 conquer of worlds
12 tsoldier of nod
is it only me or do you also know most of those names?
hand? yes
vacha? no, but weird how he's loacated right next to them
silent killers? yes
coulden't think.. no but mostly exp players use it
holy? yes from e5 where he said he were exp..
M? no idea, might be a new one

Hound? yes, he's in the rank 1 alliance on e5
Kira yamato? no but located right next to them again..
scrappy? yes, and leader so understandable
tsoldier of nod? not really, and the only one whos right into the hive, and the most belivable newb
that leave us with 1-3 newb members?
i seriusly doubt that can give you the name NEWB!
i started NEWB on NC to help new people on E5, i saw u posting about wanting to do so and were happy, but u got more exp people then newbs!
just asking you not to use that name unless you got more people to train, or people will actualy belive ur a newb alliance till they see the name and think badly of newb..

Thank you Michael
Thank you developers
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