Thank God, this era's finally over! We fought quite a number of good alliances: TBD, BoF, HORD, LNF... The era sure wasn't missing action (though it looked like it would before tick 400 hit). So sure, it took a while for the dice to roll, but once it did it never stopped. Drama, harmful broadcasts, spams everywhere, how many worlds must be jelly
But this is the end of the era, and possibly my last serious era for the win, and if it is I'd be more than glad to have gone with a blast, with this hell of a team. Seriously, every member here was worth gold. Still, I just got to make special mentions here (if I didn't include something of someone, shout at me for being a forgetful dumbass) so let's get it on!
KNIGHT, you're first in way more ways than just rank. MVP is a title that falls short for ya; you just had to be the member that cared the most for this era, perhaps even past me. I also know that caring for this era hurt, it was probably way tougher than anyone thought it'd be and it must've been hell on you a lot of times. But you fought it all, you kept yourself up and you did anything and everything to help your teammates up as well. There's a lot of top-tier players who just keep that skill to themselves, but you're the best damn exception to that I've seen. Congratulations on the gold, but most importantly: thanks bro, for being my member and a hell of a friend. I honestly believe you deserve better than this effort I could cook up.
Sunit, you took the ball when I lost my internet, and you ran with it. I wasn't here for it, but you kept the team afloat when I couldn't, so special thanks to ya. Y'know, you'd be one of the best players in all of BD... if it wasn't for that damn curse. You got any idea how much it weights to carry such a malevolent force around so we can win with you on the team? Jeesh... Nah, but seriously, you were great individually of your own right, and when it was time to give an extra mile you ran a (Want to be allies? Sometimes I like to pretend I am a princess riding a pony..) marathon. I'm so proud of helping you break your own records... *wipes away an imaginary tear*
Nox, even if you only joined us halfway through the era, you've helped us an incredible lot, more than most. Whether it was in BotD/BoSi or in our own tag, you kept being in your A-game and helped anyone else up as well. You and KNIGHT were our greatest juggernauts, and you've both earned my greatest respect. I saw you help Iso keep the sub running as best you could, and you even kept it up when in our own team. BoS owes a lot to its sub, and the sub owes an incredible lot to you. It was like a dream come true when we finally had a spot for you, it really was long overdue. Thanks bro.
Dylan, Mot, I honestly can't regard to either of you two separately. I know it might be kinda unfair, but you two are a dynamite duo, and I felt the three of us together could blow even an entire team sky-high. The west was your domain, and it ended up being the most important in the end; sure you two also took some of the heaviest hits, but you hit our enemies just as hard, then some. Mot always having a spam here and there was always helpful and probably kept our network as safe as it was, then I could send Dylan to the middle of nowhere to see it barren of life sooner or later.
Bavatt, you were an excellent member. I'm really sorry and regret that you couldn't have a spot in the end, and that you had to suffer the way you did. You really deserve this win man, you do. Even in close calls, you could always make the cut. Thanks man

Seth, Loco, Halfling, Gorgon: there's not a lot you guys did individually, admittetdly. Still, this was a team, and you four never let anyone forget that; you were always the guys that let our alliance as a whole win every single war, against HORD, BoF, TBD and LNF, it didn't matter; you guys were there, and without you none of us would've made it. There were a lot of hardships this era, and you guys were there to go through them. Our achievements as a team have your names all over them, and y'all did the most to carry Sunit's curse to the finish line... (yeah, that's not getting old anytime soon xD)
Now, last but not least... Vault Dweller. You noobass lost internet for a week and barely showed up the last days of the era; seriously, why was that noblet even let into the alliance...
Though I seriously don't have much to defend myself from my own criticism there (guilty as charged) I'm just gld this era's over, and that we came out on top despite it all. Honestly, I wasn't the leader that took the team and carried it on his back, or the leader that did everything for his team to win, or the one who led my excellence and power (I have the lowest power and rank of the team, not even front page). Still, I was the guy who always made sure the team kept going one way or the other, I sure didn't do everything myself but I did anything I had to even if it meant having someone else do what I could not, and my power score might suck but I pride myself in soloing 3 armies and fighting 2 other battles, one of them being a 2 on 2 where we lost absolutely all of our armor and anti-heavies, all of this just on the second and last war against LNF. I didn't shy away from battle nor from standing up to my word. But my biggest achievement is what I got out of this era and my team; I respect each and every single one of my members, and I feel they respect me as well. We overcame any and all odds we had this era, and I'm damn proud of it, so thank you guys, and thank you F4 for the challenge. It was my pleasure.