Hola people!
well I know most people don't know me, but in case people that come back look for me, this will tell them something ^^
I have to get serious this year, since Junior year is the biggest year of school.
it's been fun playing this game, I would fist of all, thank all the admins and all the BD staff for creating such an amazing game! This beats all other games I ever played online ^^ so Thank you all!!!
esp. Andrew, for some reason my account with the username "Relocated" got banned for having multi colonies (which I didn't). It might have been that I left for my home country and logged in there with this account =D
but thanks to him I got to play again, so special thanks to you Andrew ^^
Next I would like to thank an old friend, John. also known as Zero of the Black Knights and Knight of Zero... whichever way you know him. He helped me get started in this game. We both were in the alliance (KoR) when it was founded, sadly he and his friend had to quit because of College.
The allinaces I wana thank:
KoR, HKF(HKFF), BH, ICE, SAGE, FRA, SoTF, H1N1, Nuke, KoV, TCA, RA, Rcon, SWAT, TO, JRE, ARMT, EVIL, EV1L, ISKC, ES (The original that didn't backstab BH), VVV, ReV, 9,D, TWA, COW.
All my subs I have ever created.
PoK, KoL, KoD, KoE, PoL, PoD, KoH, OWN... and some others I forgot =P
People I wana thank are:
Zero of the Black Knights
MorGan of Mas(Warpath)
Psychomantisx of DarknessFalls
Jok3r (I know for a while I thought they were both the same people =/)
Gandork and his son Boiu
and alot more! I don't remember how to spell their names, but I will forever remember all the things about ya =P
All these people I listed (and not listed) are fine players, they are some of the best I've seen ^^
I am gona miss all of ya!!!
keep in touch via msn =P
Love it when my team is actually active ^^

don't love it when I'm the one doing work...

Random Pics...

These were half my dragons =P
I wanted to be renamed Relocated of the Dragon Knights after this lol

poor guy... never stood a chance :'(

Last war I was in ^^

The 3rd largest empire I created =P
about 1/4 the size of my largest
sorry I couldn't fit the entire thing in here... I couldn't zoom out anymore without messing up the picture =/
anyways, Long live the Knights of Round
P.S. all the blue was our subs ^^

The last Judgement I have passed (leading KoR)... it was fun while it lasted ^^
Adios Amigos =P
~You're fellow BDr, Relocated